首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Plant Protection >Management of citrus foot rot/gummosis through integration of agronomic practices, bioagent and chemicals

Management of citrus foot rot/gummosis through integration of agronomic practices, bioagent and chemicals


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Different agronomic practices adopted by citrus growers and their impact on gummosis were studied. Maximum gummosis incidence (6.8%) was observed on 20-25 years age plants, 6.3% in closed spacing (5x4m) and 8.2% in flood irrigated orchards. Under field trial for its management, maximum lesion size recovery of foot rot/ gummosis (88.9%), fruit yield (58.5 kg/plant) and canopy volume (16.9 m3) was obtained by application of metalaxyl M paste (25g/l water), metalaxyl M soil application (2.5g/l water) and Fosetyl Al (0.1%) spray in mid of February, March and August Soil application o/Trichoderma harzianum along with Bordeaux paste and copper oxychloride (0.3%) spray resulted in 54.7% recovery of gummosis lesion. Garlic bulb extract (20%, w/v) pasting and its spray (10%, w/v) application caused 47.4% lesion recovery.
机译:研究了柑橘种植者采用的不同农艺方法及其对牙龈病的影响。在20至25年龄的植物中观察到最大的牙龈病发生率(6.8%),在封闭空间(5x4m)中为6.3%,在洪水灌溉的果园中为8.2%。根据其管理的田间试验,通过施用甲霜灵M糊剂(25g / l的水)可获得最大的病灶恢复:脚腐烂/牙龈病(88.9%),果实产量(58.5 kg /株)和冠层体积(16.9 m3)。 ,2月,3月和8月中旬施用甲霜灵M土(2.5g / l水)和Fosetyl Al(0.1%)喷雾,哈氏木霉/波尔多木霉菌以及波尔多糊剂和三氯氧化铜(0.3%)喷雾导致54.7%牙龈病病变的恢复。大蒜鳞茎提取物(20%,w / v)粘贴并喷洒(10%,w / v)可导致47.4%的病灶恢复。



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