首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Plant Protection >Diversity assessment of Colletotrichum species associated with chilli anthracnose and their characterization via species specific primers

Diversity assessment of Colletotrichum species associated with chilli anthracnose and their characterization via species specific primers


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Anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum spp. is a major constraint for chilli production and storage throughout the globe. In the present study, diversity analysis and characterization of Colletotrichum species associated with the disease was carried out. Anthracnose infected chilli samples were collected from major chilli growing areas of India and twenty five isolates were selected for species identification. Pathogenicity of all the isolates was confirmed on a susceptible variety K2. The morphological characters viz., colony colour, colony topography, conidial size and shape and size of setae revealed three morphotypes. In contrast to morphological grouping, RAPD based diversity analysis clustered all isolates into two main groups and sevensub-groups. Thereafter, five different species specific primers were employed to characterize different species of Colletotrichum, of which primers specific for C. capsici, C. gloeosporioides and C. acutatum yielded positive results. The phylogenetic analysis based on sequence information of specific region of representative isolates confirmed association of three species with chilli anthracnose. These results have important implications in deciphering species level relationship o/Colletotrichum with anthracnose disease in chilli by combined application of species specific PCR assay and morphological character for their routine diagnosis.
机译:炭疽菌引起的炭疽病。是全球辣椒生产和储存的主要限制因素。在本研究中,进行了与该病相关的炭疽菌物种的多样性分析和表征。从印度主要的辣椒生长地区收集炭疽病感染的辣椒样品,并选择了25种分离株进行物种鉴定。在易感品种K2上确认了所有分离物的致病性。形态特征即菌落颜色,菌落地形,分生孢子大小,刚毛的形状和大小揭示了三种形态型。与形态学分组相反,基于RAPD的多样性分析将所有分离株分为两个主要组和七个亚组。此后,使用五种不同物种特异的引物来表征不同种类的炭疽菌,其中特有的C. capsici,C。gloeosporioides和C. acutatum特异的引物产生了积极的结果。基于代表性分离物特定区域的序列信息的系统发育分析证实了三种物种与辣椒炭疽病的关联。这些结果在结合应用物种特异性PCR分析和形态学特征进行常规诊断中,对于破译辣椒中炭疽病与物种/炭疽病之间的关系具有重要意义。



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