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Assembling the dodo in early modern natural history


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This paper explores the assimilation of the flightless dodo into early modern natural history. The dodo was first described by Dutch sailors landing on Mauritius in 1598, and became extinct in the 1680s or 1690s. Despite this brief period of encounter, the bird was a popular subject in natural-history works and a range of other genres. The dodo will be used here as a counterexample to the historical narratives of taxonomic crisis and abrupt shifts in natural history caused by exotic creatures coming to Europe. Though this bird had a bizarre form, early modern naturalists integrated the dodo and other flightless birds through several levels of conceptual categorization, including the geographical, morphological and symbolic. Naturalists such as Charles L'Ecluse produced a set of typical descriptive tropes that helped make up the European dodo. These long-lived images were used for a variety of symbolic purposes, demonstrated by the depiction of the Dutch East India enterprise in Willem Piso's 1658 publication. The case of the dodo shows that, far from there being a dramatic shift away from emblematics in the seventeenth century, the implicit symbolic roles attributed to exotic beasts by naturalists constructing them from scant information and specimens remained integral to natural history.
机译:本文探讨了将不会飞翔的渡渡鸟同化为现代近代自然史的方法。渡渡鸟最早由1598年登陆毛里求斯的荷兰水手描述,并在1680或1690年代灭绝。尽管经历了短暂的相遇,但是这只鸟还是自然历史作品和其他种类的流行题材。渡渡鸟在这里将用作对生物分类危机和外来生物传入欧洲造成自然历史突变的历史叙述的反例。尽管这只鸟有奇异的外形,但早期的现代自然主义者通过几个层次的概念归类,包括地理,形态和符号,将渡渡鸟和其他不会飞的鸟融合在一起。查尔斯·勒克卢兹(Charles L'Ecluse)等博物学家提出了一系列典型的描述性比喻,从而构成了欧洲的渡渡鸟。这些长期存在的图像被用于各种符号用途,在威廉·皮索(Willem Piso)1658年的出版物中对荷兰东印度企业的描绘就证明了这一点。渡渡鸟的案例表明,在远未从象征主义发生重大变化的情况下,博物学家利用稀少的信息和标本构造外来野兽所赋予的隐性象征作用,而标本仍然是自然历史不可分割的一部分。



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