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A note on least-squares mixed finite elements in relation to standard and mixed finite elements


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The least-squares mixed finite-element method for second-order elliptic problems yields an approximation u(h) is an element of V-h subset of H-0(1)(Omega) of the potential u together with an approximation p(h) is an element of Gamma(h) subset of H(div ; Omega) of the vector field p = -A del u. Comparing u(h) with the standard finite-element approximation of u in V-h, and p(h) with the mixed finite-element approximation of p, it turns out that they are higher-order perturbations of each other. In other words, they are 'superclose'. Refined a priori bounds and superconvergence results can now be proved. Also, the local mass conservation error is of higher order than could be concluded from the standard a priori analysis.
机译:用于二阶椭圆问题的最小二乘混合有限元方法得出的近似值u(h)是势u的H-0(1)(Ω)的Vh子集的元素以及近似值p(h)是向量字段p = -A del u的H(div; Omega)的Gamma(h)子集的元素。比较u(h)与V-h中u的标准有限元逼近,以及p(h)与p的混合有限元逼近,发现它们是彼此的高阶扰动。换句话说,它们是“超级闭合”的。现在可以证明精确的先验边界和超收敛结果。而且,局部质量守恒误差的阶次高于从先验分析标准得出的结论。



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