
Lyman break galaxies: A ten-year perspective


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In the space of a decade, we have progressed from the discovery of "Lyman break galaxies" to the determination of some of the most important physical parameters of what has turned out to be the population of galaxies responsible for the bulk of the stellar mass assembly at z = 2-3. In this brief review we summarise a wide variety of data, obtained from observations of the rest-frame UV and near-IR spectra of these galaxies and complemented by photometry at other wavelengths from the ground and from space Taken together, the information gathered so far identifies most naturally the star-forming galaxies at z = 2-3 (and beyond) as the progenitors of today's ellipticals and bulges, caught at the peak epoch of their activity, before their gas supply became exhausted and they began to evolve passively to the present day. We conclude with a cursory look at future directions of research in this field.
机译:在十年的时间里,我们从发现“莱曼破裂星系”发展到确定一些最重要的物理参数,这些物理参数原来是负责恒星质量组装大部分的星系总数在z = 2-3时在这篇简短的综述中,我们总结了各种各样的数据,这些数据是从这些星系的其余帧紫外线和近红外光谱的观察中获得的,并通过来自地面和太空的其他波长的光度法得到了补充。最自然地将z = 2-3(及更高)处的恒星形成星系识别为当今椭圆和凸起的始祖,并被其活动的高峰期所吸引,直到它们的气体供应耗尽并开始被动地向恒星演化。今天。我们以粗略的眼光看待这一领域的未来研究方向。


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