首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >Erratum: Thermodynamics of reactions of ClHg and BrHg radicals with atmospherically abundant free radicals (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2012) 12 (10271-10279))

Erratum: Thermodynamics of reactions of ClHg and BrHg radicals with atmospherically abundant free radicals (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2012) 12 (10271-10279))


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To determine if BrO or ClO could bind to Hg(0), we characterized compounds with structural formulae HgBrO and HgClO using the same approach as described in our original paper. The computed Hg–XO bond lengths were ~3.6? and ~3.8? for X=Br and Cl, respectively, which are more characteristic of van der Waals complexes than covalent bonds. ThebondenergiesatCCSD(T)/aVTZwerenegative,indicatingextremelyweakbonding.BalabanovandPeterson(2013) also obtained results suggestive of van der Waals molecules. Field studies (Obrist et al., 2011; Tas et al., 2011) and experiments (Rao?e and Ariya, 2004; Spicer et al., 2005) had suggested that BrO can initiate Hg(0) oxidation. By contrast,the present work suggests that BrO cannot initiate gas-phase oxidation of Hg(0).
机译:为了确定BrO或ClO是否可以与Hg(0)结合,我们使用与原始论文所述相同的方法对结构式为HgBrO和HgClO的化合物进行了表征。计算得出的Hg-XO键长为〜3.6?和〜3.8?分别对于X = Br和Cl而言,它们的范德华配合物比共价键更具有特征。 CCSD(T)/ aVTZ负性键合能量表示极弱键合。BalabanovandPeterson(2013)也获得了暗示范德华分子的结果。现场研究(Obrist等人,2011; Tas等人,2011)和实验(Rao?e和Ariya,2004; Spicer等人,2005)表明,BrO可以引发Hg(0)氧化。相比之下,目前的工作表明BrO不能引发Hg(0)的气相氧化。



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