首页> 外文期刊>Ichnos: an international journal for plant and animal traces >First Occurrence of Tetrapod Footprints from Westphalian Strata of the Sidi Kassem Basin, Central Morocco

First Occurrence of Tetrapod Footprints from Westphalian Strata of the Sidi Kassem Basin, Central Morocco


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The Sidi Kassem Basin is the only limnic basin of Westphalian age in Morocco. It is built up of 1,250m of alluvio-fluvial to lacustrine deposits that have so far yielded plant fossils and invertebrate remains only. Recent exploration for fossil tetrapod footprints in floodplain-deposits of the basin revealed a moderately diverse vertebrate ichnofauna composed of tracks assigned to cf. Batrachichnus Woodworth, 1900; cf. Hylopus Dawson, 1882; Dimetropus Romer and Price, 1940; and Notalacerta Butts, 1891. The tracks can be referred to temnospondyl, anamniote reptiliomorph, non-therapsid synapsid (pelycosaur), and captorhinomorph trackmakers. The described ichnoassemblage is important in at least three aspects: (1) It suggests an Early to mid-Pennsylvanian age for the footprint-bearing strata of the study area. (2) It is the oldest association of tetrapod footprints from Africa. (3) It is the first evidence of the relatively rare ichnogenera cf. Hylopus and Notalacerta outside of North America and Europe. Judged from the variety of tetrapod tracks and previously collected floral remains, the Sidi Kassem Basin must have represented a well-established continental ecosystem during Pennsylvanian time. Further exploration for trace and body fossils of Palaeozoic vertebrates in this basin may be important for the reconstruction of early tetrapod evolution.
机译:Sidi Kassem盆地是摩洛哥威斯特伐利亚时期唯一的石灰岩盆地。它由1,250m的冲积河流相到湖相沉积物组成,迄今为止仅产生了植物化石和无脊椎动物残骸。最近对该盆地洪泛区沉积物中的四足动物化石足迹的探索表明,有中等程度多样的脊椎动物鱼类动物,由分配给cf的迹线组成。 Batrachichnus Woodworth,1900年; cf. Hylopus Dawson,1882年; Dimetropus Romer and Price,1940年;和Notalacerta Butts,1891年。这些音轨可以被称为temnospondyl,拟南芥(Anamniote reptiliomorph),非治疗性突触(pelycosaur)和captorhinomorph音轨制造商。所描述的鱼骨组合至少在三个方面很重要:(1)它表明研究区域的足迹覆盖地层为早宾夕法尼亚中期。 (2)这是非洲最古老的四足动物足迹协会。 (3)这是相对罕见的鱼鳞鱼的第一个证据。北美和欧洲以外的Hylopus和Notalacerta。从四足动物的足迹和先前收集的花卉残骸来看,西迪·卡西姆盆地一定代表了宾夕法尼亚时期建立完善的大陆生态系统。对该盆地古生代脊椎动物的痕迹和身体化石进行进一步的探索可能对重建早期四足动物的进化很重要。



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