首页> 外文期刊>Ichnos: an international journal for plant and animal traces >The Tetrapod Ichnogenus Protochirotherium Fichter and Kunz 2004, a Characteristic Early Triassic Morphotype of Central Pangea

The Tetrapod Ichnogenus Protochirotherium Fichter and Kunz 2004, a Characteristic Early Triassic Morphotype of Central Pangea

机译:Tetrapod Ichnogenus Protochirotherium Fichter和Kunz,2004年,是中部Pangea的特征性早期三叠纪形态型

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Early Triassic chirotherian footprint assemblages from Poland, Germany, and Morocco are important for understanding archosaur evolution in the aftermath of the Permian-Triassic crisis. However, their ichnotaxonomy is confusing because various authors have interpreted their diversity differently. After an analysis and ichnotaxonomic re-assessment, the presence of the ichnogenera Brachychirotherium, Isochirotherium, and Chirotherium in these assemblages is not supported. Distant similarities with these ichnotaxa are functions of extra morphological variation and substrate-related factors. Instead, Early Triassic chirotherian footprints described under these names are assigned here to the ichnogenus Protochirotherium and to a more slender morphotype identified as Synaptichnium. In particular, Protochirotherium appears to be more widely distributed in central Pangea as a characteristic morphotype reflecting a distinct stage in archosaur evolution. Trackmakers were nonarchosaurian archosauriforms or, alternatively, stem-group crocodylians. Morphologically and temporally these footprints match the hypothetical ancestor of the Chirotherium barthii trackmaker. Chirotherium barthii appears by the beginning of the Middle Triassic. Because of its restricted stratigraphic range, and its wider distribution in central Pangea, Protochirotherium also has biostratigraphic significance for this region and can be considered as an indicator of Early Triassic-aged strata.
机译:波兰,德国和摩洛哥的三叠纪早期手足动物足迹组合对于了解二叠纪-三叠纪危机之后的恐龙演化至关重要。但是,由于各种作者对它们的多样性的不同解释,它们的鱼类分类学令人困惑。经过分析和鱼类分类学重新评估后,不支持在这些组合中存在鱼类支原体Brachychirotherium,等温线和Chirotherium。与这些鱼纲的相似性是额外的形态变异和底物相关因素的作用。取而代之的是,在这些名称下描述的早期三叠纪手足足印在这里被分配给了鱼鳞鱼类原手足兽和更细长的形态,即突触藻。特别地,原手足动物似乎作为反映在考古演化过程中不同阶段的特征形态在中部Pangea分布得更为广泛。田径运动员是非考古龙的弓形龙,或者是茎群鳄。这些足迹在形态上和时间上都与Chirotherium barthii追踪器的假想祖先相匹配。巴氏小球藻在中三叠纪开始出现。由于地层范围受限制,并且在Pangea中部分布较广,因此原脊温层也对该地区具有生物地层意义,可以被认为是早三叠世年龄层的指示。



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