首页> 外文期刊>Australasian Plant Pathology >Genetic analysis of Fusarium head blight resistance in bread wheat

Genetic analysis of Fusarium head blight resistance in bread wheat


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Seven spring wheat varieties were crossed in a half diallel mating system to assess the genetic parameters of some traits of resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) including disease incidence (DIC), disease severity (DSV), Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK), disease index (DI) and incidence severity kernels (ISK). Differences were found to be significant (p < 0.01) for all the characters. The significance of additive components (D) and dominant components (H-1, H-2) demonstrated the importance of both additive and dominance effects for all traits. The greater value of D over H-1 and H-2 demonstrated the additive nature of genes for all traits, which suggested the utilization of pedigree and full/sib selection for improvement of these parameters. All traits exhibited high narrow and broad sense heritability. Graphical representation demonstrated in DIC recessive alleles and in DSV, FDK, DI and ISK dominant alleles led to decreasing level of traits and increasing resistance to FHB.
机译:将七个春小麦品种在半二叶形交配系统中杂交,以评估抗枯萎病(FHB)某些特征的遗传参数,包括疾病发生率(DIC),疾病严重程度(DSV),镰刀菌破损粒(FDK),疾病索引(DI)和严重程度内核(ISK)。发现所有字符的差异均显着(p <0.01)。加性成分(D)和主要成分(H-1,H-2)的显着性说明了所有性状的加性和优势效应的重要性。与H-1和H-2相比,D值更大,这表明基因具有所有性状的累加性质,这表明可以利用系谱和完全/同胞选择来改善这些参数。所有性状均表现出高度的狭义和广泛的遗传力。在DIC隐性等位基因和DSV,FDK,DI和ISK显性等位基因中证实了图形表示,导致性状水平下降和对FHB的抗性增强。



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