首页> 外文期刊>Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare. Analye non lineaire >Blow-up set for type I blowing up solutions for a semilinear heat equation

Blow-up set for type I blowing up solutions for a semilinear heat equation


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Let u be a type I blowing up solution of the Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for a semilinear heat equation, {?_tu=?u+u~p, x∈?, t>0, u(x, t)=0, x ∈??, t>0, u(x, 0) = ф(x), x∈?, where ? is a (possibly unbounded) domain in R~N, N ≥ 1, and p > l. We prove that, if φ∈ L~∞(?) ∩ L~q (?) for some q ∈[1, ∞), then the blow-up set of the solution u is bounded. Furthermore, we give a sufficient condition for type I blowing up solutions not to blow up on the boundary of the domain ?. This enables us to prove that, if ? is an annulus, then the radially symmetric solutions of (P) do not blow up on the boundary ??.
机译:设u为半线性热方程Cauchy-Dirichlet问题的I型爆破解_?_ tu =?u + u〜p,x∈?, t> 0,u(x,t)= 0,x ∈??,t> 0,u(x,0)=ф(x),x∈?,其中?是R〜N,N≥1和p> l中的一个(可能是无界的)域。我们证明,如果对于某个q∈[1,∞),φ∈L〜∞(?)∩L〜q(?),则解u的爆炸集是有界的。此外,我们为I型爆炸解决方案提供了一个充分条件,使其不会在域α的边界上爆炸。这使我们能够证明,如果?是一个环形空间,则(P)的径向对称解不会在边界Δu上爆炸。



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