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Review: In noncardiac surgery, β-blockers started before surgery increase 30-day mortality


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Commentary Practice recommendations for perioperative (3-blockade are most compelling for continuation of preexisting therapy (1); however, perioperative (3-blockade is controversial, particularly amid recent allegations of scientific misconduct in the perioperative community .Recognizing the potential impact of such allegations, Bouri and colleagues performed a meta-analysis of RCTs of initiation of beta-blockers before noncardiac surgery, excluding trials from the discredited DECREASE program. Meta-analysis of the 9 "secure" trials showed that (3-blockade initiated before surgery resulted in a 27% increase in mortality. 79% of patients in the meta-analysis were from the POISE trial, which administered extended-release metoprolol, 100 mg, 2 to 4 hours before surgery; this is rarely done in the perioperative setting. More commonly, (3-blockade is initiated and appropriately titrated weeks in advance of surgery. Bouri and colleagues concluded that "guideline bodies should retract their recommendations based on fictitious data without further delay."
机译:注释围手术期的实践建议(3-封锁对于继续存在治疗最有说服力(1);但是,围手术期(3-封锁是有争议的,尤其是在最近关于围手术界科学不端行为的指控中)。认识到此类指控的潜在影响,Bouri及其同事对非心脏手术前β受体阻滞剂启动的RCT进行了荟萃分析,不包括信誉不佳的DECREASE计划中的试验。对9项“安全”试验的荟萃分析表明(手术前3阻滞导致死亡率增加了27%,荟萃分析中有79%的患者来自POISE试验,该试验在手术前2至4小时给予100 mg缓释美托洛尔;在围手术期这种情况很少发生。 ,(在手术前几周开始进行3-阻断,并适当滴定。Bouri及其同事得出结论:“指南体应收回其基于虚构数据的建议,无需再拖延。”



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