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My battle against gonorrhea.


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The familiar white urinals, puce-colored walls, and the queasy odor of disinfectant in M207-the men's room on the mezzanine floor of the University of Pittsburgh's medical school. I remember standing in a ragged line of seven young men across from the toilet stalls, pants stripped to my ankles. This was the moment, the crux of the clinical trial, the procedure that had seemed so trivial a few weeks earlier when I had agreed to participate.Two men wearing long lab coats busied themselves arranging a sequence of labeled catheters on a metal cart near the sinks. The short one looked like a Marine drill sergeant; the other, older one reminded me of Marcus Welby, television's kindly general practitioner. But this time Welby wasn't curing the sick. He snapped on a pair of latex gloves as the drill sergeant turned toward me and the other half-naked subjects and barked, "Okay, gentlemen, we're ready to inoculate."
机译:匹兹堡大学医学院夹层楼的男房M207中熟悉的白色小便池,浅褐色的墙壁和消毒剂的古怪气味。我记得站在马桶摊位对面的七个年轻人参差不齐的行列中,裤子脱了我的脚踝。这是临床试验的关键时刻,几周前我同意参加手术时,这个过程似乎微不足道。两名穿着长实验室大衣的男人忙着自己,在医院附近的一个金属推车上安排了一系列带标签的导管。下沉。矮个子看起来像海军陆战队中士。另一个年龄较大的人让我想起了电视好心的全科医生马库斯·韦尔比(Marcus Welby)。但是这次,威尔比并没有治愈病人。当钻探中士转向我和其他半裸的对象时,他戴上一副乳胶手套,咆哮道:“好的,先生们,我们已经准备好接种了。”



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