首页> 外文期刊>Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery. >Relationship between the electromyographic activity of the paratubal muscles and eustachian tube opening assessed by sonotubometry and videoendoscopy

Relationship between the electromyographic activity of the paratubal muscles and eustachian tube opening assessed by sonotubometry and videoendoscopy


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Objective: To determine the role played by the tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini muscles (mTVP and mLVP, respectively) in eustachian tube (ET) opening. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Research laboratories at a tertiary care hospital. Patients: Fifteen healthy adults with normal middle ears and documented ET openings. Interventions: Submental and ground surface electrodes were placed. After anesthetizing and decongesting the nasal passages, paired electromyographic needle electrodes were inserted into both the mTVP and mLVP on the test side. A microphone was placed into the ipsilateral ear canal and the probe from a sound generator was introduced into the opposite nostril. A 45° telescope was used on the test side to video-record the soft palate and ET movements while the individual swallowed. Main Outcome Measures: Concurrent recordings of the ET openings by sonotubometry, the electromyographic activity for the LVP, TVP, and submental muscles, and video of the nasopharyngeal orifice of the ET during swallowing. Results: During swallowing, the median peak amplitude and duration of ET openings by sonotubometry were 30.6 mVand 196 milliseconds, respectively. For the mLVP and mTVP,the median peak amplitudes were 0.33 and 0.82 mV, and peak durations were 131 and 85 milliseconds, respectively. The mean onsets of muscle activity referenced to the sonotubometry peak amplitude were -0.28, -0.24, and -0.14 milliseconds for the mLVP, mTVP, and submental muscles, respectively. Video recording of ET movements were consistent with the timing of these events. Conclusions: The mTVP activity had a shorter duration but greater amplitude than the mLVP activity and was associated with peak ET opening by sonotubometry. The mLVP activity occurred before that of the mTVP, the submental muscle group, and peak ET opening. The mLVP contractions were associated with movements of the soft palate, anterior ET orifice, and rotation of the ET cartilage.
机译:目的:确定张量腓肠肌和提肌腓肠肌(分别为mTVP和mLVP)在咽鼓管(ET)开口中的作用。设计:前瞻性研究。地点:三级医院的研究实验室。患者:十五名健康成人,中耳正常,有记录的ET开口。干预措施:放置mentalmental和地面电极。在麻醉和使鼻腔充血后,将成对的肌电图针电极插入测试侧的mTVP和mLVP中。将麦克风放置在同侧耳道中,并将来自发声器的探针引入对面的鼻孔。在测试侧使用45°望远镜记录患者吞咽时的软pa和ET运动。主要观察指标:并发超声探头同时记录ET开口,LVP,TVP和脑下肌的肌电图活动以及吞咽期间ET鼻咽口的视频。结果:在吞咽过程中,用超声探头测量的ET开口的中值峰值幅度和持续时间分别为30.6 mV和196毫秒。对于mLVP和mTVP,中值峰值幅度分别为0.33和0.82 mV,峰值持续时间分别为131和85毫秒。对于mLVP,mTVP和mentalmental肌肉,以超声测压峰值幅度为参考的肌肉活动的平均发作分别为-0.28,-0.24和-0.14毫秒。 ET运动的视频记录与这些事件的发生时间一致。结论:mTVP活性的持续时间短于mLVP活性,但幅度更大,并且与超声超声测量的ET开放峰值相关。 mLVP活性发生在mTVP,智骨下肌群和ET开放高峰之前。 mLVP收缩与软pa的运动,前ET孔和ET软骨的旋转有关。



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