首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Oral Biology >An in vitro study on the anti-adherence effect of Brucea javanica and Piper betle extracts towards oral Candida

An in vitro study on the anti-adherence effect of Brucea javanica and Piper betle extracts towards oral Candida


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Objective: The adherence of Candida to mucosal surfaces is the initial step for successful invasive process of the oral cavity. The study aimed to investigate the effect of two plant extracts on the non-specific and specific bindings of oral candida. Methods: In the former, adsorption to hexadecane was used to measure the hydrophobic interaction of the candida cells. In the later, glass beads coated with saliva represented the experimental pellicles in specific adhesion of oral candida to hard tissue surface. Results: Candida krusei, Candida dubliniensis and Candida tropicalis showed the highest adsorption to hexadecane at 30.23%, 26.19% and 19.70%, respectively, while the others within the range of 7-10%. All candidal species were significantly affected by the extracts (P 0.05) with Brucea javanica exhibited more than 60% reduction of CSH than Piper betle. Candida parapsilosis showed the highest affinity in specific-bindings to pellicle with 18.72 ± 0.71 x 10 5 CFU/ml. Exposing to P. betle-treated pellicle has drastically reduced the adherence of C. tropicalis, Candida albicans and C. krusei by 86.01%, 61.41% and 56.34%, respectively. B. javanica exhibited similar effect on C. tropicalis (89.86%), Candida lusitaniae (88.95%), C. albicans (79.74%), Candida glabrata (76.85%) and C. krusei (67.61%). Conclusion: The extracts demonstrated anti-adherence activities by modifying the CSH and the characteristics of the experimental pellicle.
机译:目的:念珠菌粘附在粘膜表面是成功侵入口腔的第一步。该研究旨在研究两种植物提取物对口腔念珠菌的非特异性和特异性结合的影响。方法:在前者中,十六烷的吸附用于测量念珠菌细胞的疏水相互作用。后来,涂有唾液的玻璃珠代表了口腔念珠菌对硬组织表面的特殊粘附性中的实验膜。结果:克鲁斯假丝酵母,杜氏假丝酵母和热带假丝酵母对十六烷的吸附最高,分别为30.23%,26.19%和19.70%,其他在7-10%之间。所有念珠菌种类均受到提取物的显着影响(P <0.05),其中爪哇布鲁氏菌的CSH含量比Piper甲虫降低了60%以上。副念珠菌对膜的特异性结合表现出最高的亲和力,为18.72±0.71 x 10 5 CFU / ml。暴露于经甲壳虫治疗的防护膜后,热带念珠菌,白色念珠菌和克鲁斯梭菌的附着力分别大大降低了86.01%,61.41%和56.34%。爪哇芽孢杆菌对热带假丝酵母(89.86%),卢氏假丝酵母(88.95%),白色念珠菌(79.74%),光滑假丝酵母(76.85%)和克鲁氏假丝酵母(67.61%)表现出相似的作用。结论:提取物通过修饰CSH和实验膜的特性表现出抗粘附活性。



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