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Effectiveness of Some Methods for Restoration of Degraded Pastures in the Desert—Steppe Zone of Mongolia


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This article presents some results of experimental research on the restoration of degraded pastures in the desert—steppe zone of Bayandelger soum, Sukhbaatar aimag, in Mongolia. Within this objective, several experiments on the creation of pastures,including a forest shelter belt and their fencing, were carried out. The recovery processes were assessed based on different indices. The preliminary results show that, compared with the control plot, the number of plant species increased by 3.0 times and the number of their individuals increased by 4.3 times within the fenced plot, while in the pasture with a forest shelter, these indicators increased 4.5 and 5.8 times, respectively.
机译:本文介绍了在蒙古素赫巴托阿米尔(Sakhbaatar aimag)的巴彦德勒苏格沙漠(Bayandelger soum)荒漠草原地区恢复退化牧场的实验研究结果。在此目标范围内,进行了一些关于牧场创建的实验,包括森林防护林带及其围栏。根据不同的指标评估了恢复过程。初步结果表明,与对照样地相比,围栏样地内植物物种的数量增加了3.0倍,个体数量增加了4.3倍,而在有森林庇护所的牧场中,这些指标增加了4.5倍。分别为5.8倍。



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