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Gaz de France Aims to Increase its Hydrocarbon Reserves to 1 Billion BOE in the Medium Term


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Presenting the company's results for the first half of 2006,the Chairman of Gaz de France,Mr.Jean-Francois Cirelli,stressed in particular the growth of its upstream activities,with its hydrocarbon production having increased by 12% relative to the first six months of 2005.The company intends to push ahead with its upstream development and has set itself the medium-term objective of stepping up its oil and gas reserves to 1 billion barrels of oil equivalent(boe)and increasing its production by 12% per annum on average over the 2005-2009 period.Between 2006 and 2009 Gaz de France plans to invest 3.5 billion euros in its upstream activities,with 700 million euros of that devoted to exploration.
机译:法国天然气公司(Gaz de France)董事长让·弗朗索瓦·西雷利(Jean-Francois Cirelli)先生在介绍公司2006年上半年的业绩时特别强调了上游业务的增长,其碳氢化合物产量与前六个月相比增长了12%自2005年起,该公司打算推进其上游发展,并制定了中期目标,即将其油气储量提高到10亿桶油当量(boe),并在2007年将其年产量提高12% 2006年至2009年期间,法国天然气工业公司计划投资35亿欧元用于上游业务,其中7亿欧元用于勘探。



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