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Cryoablation of early-stage breast cancer: work-in-progress report of a multi-institutional trial.


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BACKGROUND: With recent improvements in breast imaging, our ability to identify small breast tumors has markedly improved, prompting significant interest in the use of ablation without surgical excision to treat early-stage breast cancer. We conducted a multi-institutional pilot safety study of cryoablation in the treatment of primary breast carcinomas. METHODS: Twenty-nine patients with ultrasound-visible primary invasive breast cancer 1.5 cm, cryoablation was not reliable with this technique. Patients with noncalcified DCIS were the cause of most cryoablation failures. CONCLUSIONS: Cryoablation is a safe and well-tolerated office-based procedure for the ablation of early-stage breast cancer. At this time, cryoablation should be limited to patients with invasive ductal carcinoma
机译:背景:随着乳腺影像学的最新发展,我们识别小乳腺肿瘤的能力已显着提高,这引起了人们对使用无手术切除的早期消融术的兴趣。我们进行了冷冻消融治疗原发性乳腺癌的多机构先导安全性研究。方法:纳入29例超声可见原发性浸润性乳腺癌≤2.0cm的患者。二十七(93%)人使用台式氩气为基础的冷冻消融系统成功进行了超声引导的冷冻消融,该系统具有双重冷冻/解冻循环。冷冻消融后1至4周进行标准手术切除。监测患者的并发症,并使用病理数据评估疗效。结果:冷冻消融术在仅局部麻醉的办公室环境中成功进行。没有手术并发症或需要麻醉药的手术后疼痛。冷冻消融成功地破坏了100%<1.0 cm的癌症。对于1.0到1.5厘米之间的肿瘤,仅在浸润性导管癌患者中没有显着的导管原位癌(DCIS)成分的患者中才能达到成功率。对于> 1.5 cm的未选肿瘤,采用这种技术冷冻消融是不可靠的。患有非钙化DCIS的患者是大多数冷冻消融失败的原因。结论:冷冻消融是消融早期乳腺癌的一种安全且耐受良好的基于​​办公室的方法。此时,冷冻消融术应仅限于浸润性导管癌



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