
Recovery and outcome of delirium in elderly medical inpatients.


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This study investigates the relationships between delirium, cognitive impairment and acute illness severity with adverse clinical outcomes; in-hospital mortality, hospital length of stay, or new entry to a care home. It is a prospective observational study of medical inpatients 70 years or older, with repeated measurements of cognition, delirium status, delirium severity, and severity of physical illness every 3 days until the 18th day and then the 28th day of hospitalization. Of 94 participants, 33 had delirium and 14 recovered during their hospitalization. Predictor variables for recovery were initial Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) (p=0.003) and severity of delirium at second assessment (p=0.02), for mortality initial MMSE (p=0.002) and for discharge to care home were initial delirium status (p=0.008) and age (p=0.004). Delirious people newly discharged to care homes stayed longer in hospital than those discharged to their previous address (p=0.016). We conclude that delirium is not a transientdisorder. The presence of delirium was not related to measures of the severity of physical illness or disability. High mortality was associated with delirium but was specifically associated with cognitive impairment. Prolonged length of stay of delirious people may depend on discharge destination.
机译:这项研究调查了ir妄,认知障碍和急性疾病严重程度与不良临床结局之间的关系。住院死亡率,住院时间或新进入疗养院。这是一项对70岁或70岁以上住院患者的前瞻性观察性研究,每3天重复测量一次认知度,del妄状态,del妄严重程度和身体疾病的严重程度,直到住院的第18天,然后是住院的第28天。 94名参与者中,有33名33妄,住院期间有14名康复。恢复的预测变量为初始迷你精神状态检查(MMSE)(p = 0.003)和第二次评估时ir妄的严重程度(p = 0.02),初始MMSE死亡率(p = 0.002)和出院护理的were妄为初始del妄状态。 (p = 0.008)和年龄(p = 0.004)。新出院到护理院的好心人在医院的住院时间要比出院前的住院时间长(p = 0.016)。我们得出的结论是del妄不是暂时性疾病。 ir妄的存在与身体疾病或残疾严重程度的度量无关。高死亡率与ir妄有关,但特别与认知障碍有关。精神错乱者的长期停留时间可能取决于出院目的地。



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