首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >The impact of alternative harvesting strategies in a resource-consumer metapopulation

The impact of alternative harvesting strategies in a resource-consumer metapopulation


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The majority of our knowledge of harvested populations has been drawn from studies on single-species occupying continuous landscapes. Population dynamics in spatially structured landscapes are markedly different from those in continuous habitats. We investigate the effects of several harvesting strategies on the metapopulation dynamics of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus and its parasitoid Anisopteromalus calandrae, when locally extinction prone populations of bruchids were harvested. By harvesting the resource in this closed resource-consumer interaction, we could examine the scenario where humans and natural predators share a common resource. 2.Using population-level models in single and coupled-patch systems, simulations were run to estimate sustainable harvesting levels for each harvesting strategy. These harvesting levels were then implemented in experimental metapopulation microcosms. Experiments were run for multiple generations and long-term time series of population size and harvest yield were collected. 3.Controversially, harvesting resulted in larger regional population sizes in harvested metapopulations than in unharvested metapopulations. Similarly, conservative harvesting strategies such as fixed escapement harvesting and harvesting with refuges resulted in smaller population sizes than fixed quota or fixed proportion harvesting strategies. Fixed proportion harvesting gave rise to the largest population sizes, fewest local extinctions and largest yields. Assuming both species are of ecological importance, fixed proportion is therefore the optimal harvesting strategy for this model system. 4.Synthesis and applications. We demonstrate that, under certain conditions, increasing local mortality can increase population sizes. This 'hydra effect' may be caused by the advantage of higher rates of local population turnover for dispersive species in patchy landscapes, or due to the interruption of overcompensatory density-dependence in the host populations. These results are of particular relevance both in the development of sustainable harvesting policies in multi-species communities or, conversely, the control of pest species inhabiting spatially structured landscapes. We have shown that predictive models can be a useful tool in the estimation of sustainable harvesting limits where no a priori knowledge of the system exists. We also demonstrate that spatial structure, the effects of interspecific interactions and knowledge of density-dependent population dynamics must be included in the generation of sustainable harvesting theory.
机译:我们大部分的收获的知识人口已经从研究单一物种占据连续的景观。在空间结构种群动态从那些风景也明显不同连续的栖息地。在几个收割策略metapopulation bruchid甲虫的动力学Callosobruchus maculatus及其拟寄生物灭绝bruchids的人群收获。关闭资源消费互动,我们可以人类和自然检查情况食肉动物共享一个公共资源。在单一和群体模型coupled-patch系统模拟运行估计可持续收获水平收获战略。然后在实验metapopulation实现缩影。代和长期的时间序列人口规模和收获产量收集。3.区域人口规模在收获异质种群比未收获的异质种群。收获固定卡子等策略收获和收获避难所了在较小的人口比固定配额或大小固定比例获取策略。收获了最大的比例人口规模、当地物种灭绝和最少最大产量。生态重要性,固定比例因此,最优收获策略该模型系统。我们证明,在一定条件下,增加当地的死亡率会增加人口规模。造成较高的当地的优势人口流动分散的物种的风景,或由于中断overcompensatory density-dependence主机人群。可持续发展的相关性收获政策社区大型化或者,相反,害虫物种的控制居住空间结构化的风景。表明预测模型可以是一个有用的吗工具的评估可持续收获系统的限制,没有先验知识的存在。结构、种间的影响密度制约的互动和知识必须包含在种群动态代的可持续收获理论。



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