首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >Malignancies are the major cause of death in patients with adult onset common variable immunodeficiency

Malignancies are the major cause of death in patients with adult onset common variable immunodeficiency


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In the paper by Resnick et al, the authors clearly defined lym-phoma, lung impairment, hepatitis, and gastrointestinal disease as the main causes of mortality in 411 subjects with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) followed over 4 decades in New York.1 This careful analysis prompted us to assess the complications associated with poor survival over the same period of 4 decades in our cohort of 353 adult Italian CVID subjects (174 males, 179 females). The diagnosis of CVID was made by standard criteria.2 All data have been collected during the patient's monthly visits at the time of Ig replacement that, in Italy, occurs only during hospital settings. For mortality analysis, the time since diagnosis was determined starting from the age of CVID diagnosis. Probabilities of survival after diagnosis of CVID were estimated from Kaplan-Meier analysis. The median age at diagnosis was 40 years for females and 36 years for males.
机译:在Resnick等人的论文中,作者明确地将淋巴瘤,肺功能不全,肝炎和胃肠道疾病定义为411名具有共同可变免疫缺陷(CVID)的受试者的主要死因,随后在纽约进行了超过40年的研究。1仔细的分析促使我们评估了353名意大利CVID成年受试者(男性174名,女性179名)在过去4年中与不良生存相关的并发症。 CVID的诊断是通过标准标准做出的。2所有数据都是在患者更换Ig时每月一次就诊时收集的,在意大利,这仅发生在医院内。对于死亡率分析,从CVID诊断年龄开始确定自诊断以来的时间。从Kaplan-Meier分析中估计出CVID诊断后的生存概率。诊断时的中位年龄为女性40岁,男性36岁。



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