首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >RH genotyping in a sickle cell disease patient contributing to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation donor selection and management.

RH genotyping in a sickle cell disease patient contributing to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation donor selection and management.


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African individuals harbor molecular RH variants, which permit alloantibody formation to high-prevalence Rh antigens after transfusions. Genotyping identifies such RH variants, which are often missed by serologic blood group typing. Comprehensive molecular blood group analysis using 3 genotyping platforms, nucleotide sequencing, and serologic evaluation was performed on a 7-year-old African male with sickle cell disease who developed an "e-like" antibody shortly after initiating monthly red blood cell (RBC) transfusions for silent stroke. Genotyping of the RH variant predicted a severe shortage of compatible RBCs for long-term transfusion support, which contributed to the decision for hematopoetic stem cell transplantation. RH genotyping confirmed the RH variant in the human leukocyte antigen-matched sibling donor. The patient's (C)ce(s) type 1 haplotype occurs in up to 11% of African American sickle cell disease patients; however, haplotype-matched RBCs were serologically incompatible. This case documents that blood unit selection should be based on genotype rather than one matching haplotype.
机译:非洲人拥有分子RH变异体,可在输血后将同种抗体形成为高流行的Rh抗原。基因分型可以识别出这种RH变异,而血清学血型分型通常会遗漏这些RH变异。使用3个基因分型平台,核苷酸测序和血清学评估对一名7岁的非洲镰刀型男性男性进行了全面的分子血型分析,该男性在开始每月一次红细胞(RBC)不久后就产生了“ e样”抗体输血可预防中风。 RH变异的基因分型预示着长期输血支持的相容RBC的严重短缺,这为造血干细胞移植的决定做出了贡献。 RH基因分型证实了人类白细胞抗原匹配的同胞供体中的RH变异。该患者的(C)ce 1型单倍型发生在多达11%的非洲裔美国镰状细胞病患者中;然而,单倍型匹配的红细胞在血清学上是不相容的。该病例证明血液单位的选择应基于基因型而不是一种匹配的单倍型。



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