首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Clinical assessment of chloramine-T and freshwater as treatments for the control of gill amoebae in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

Clinical assessment of chloramine-T and freshwater as treatments for the control of gill amoebae in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

机译:氯胺-T和淡水作为控制大西洋鲑鱼(Salmo salar L)中的变形虫的临床评估。

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Infections of gill amoebae that manifest as amoebic gill disease (AGD) occur in Atlantic salmon in Tasmania. The treatment of choice is freshwater bathing; however, the effectiveness of this treatment has declined over time. In this experiment, cage trials of chloramine-T (Cl-T) to treat AGD in Atlantic salmon were conducted over 3 months, and involved an initial bath in either freshwater or seawater with Cl-T, followed by a second bath 6 weeks later. Amoeba densities were reduced to 50-80% of original values for both treatments. Neoparamoeba sp. density was not affected by bathing, and was not significantly different over the course of the experiment. Lesion prevalence was higher for Cl-T-treated fish than for freshwater-treated fish, with overall prevalence levels of 14.30+or-1.00% and 8.03+or-0.57% respectively. This was also seen for gross gill scores. In the fortnight after each of the two baths, Cl-T-treated fish had significantly higher lesion levels, although this difference was then resolved by 4 weeks post bathing. The use of Cl-T in seawater is at least as effective as freshwater at reducing amoebae density, and may be a more practical alternative when freshwater is in short supply..
机译:表现为阿米巴性ill病(AGD)的变形虫g感染在塔斯马尼亚州的大西洋鲑鱼中发生。选择的治疗方法是淡水沐浴;然而,这种治疗的有效性随着时间的推移而下降。在该实验中,进行了为期3个月的氯胺-T(Cl-T)笼养试验,以治疗大西洋鲑鱼中的AGD,包括先在淡水或海水中用Cl-T进行初浴,然后在6周后进行第二次浴。两种处理的变形虫密度均降低至原始值的50-80%。 Neoparamoeba sp。密度不受沐浴的影响,并且在实验过程中没有显着差异。 Cl-T处理的鱼的病变患病率高于淡水处理的鱼,总体患病率分别为14.30+或-1.00%和8.03+或-0.57%。从总g得分也可以看出这一点。在两次沐浴后的每两周中,经Cl-T处理的鱼的病变水平明显更高,尽管这种差异可以在沐浴后4周解决。在海水中使用Cl-T在降低变形虫密度方面至少与淡水一样有效,并且在淡水短缺时可能是更实用的替代方法。



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