首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Dietary lipids and temperature interact to influence tissue fatty acid compositions of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr

Dietary lipids and temperature interact to influence tissue fatty acid compositions of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr


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Fatty acid compositions of both the polar phospholipids (PLs) and the non-polar neutral lipids (NLs) in fish tissues are influenced by dietary fatty acids, and tissue fatty acid compositions also change during thermal acclimation. The interaction between these factors in governing fatty acid compositions has been little studied, even though this may have importance when fish are reared in cold water. An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of temperature (2 vs. 8degreesC), dietary oil source (fish oil vs. vegetable oils) and feed fat content (21% vs. 34% fat) on tissue fatty acid compositions of Atlantic salmon parr. The fish were held in fresh water under a 12 h light:12 h dark photoperiod until they doubled in body mass (from ca. 19 to 38 g, which took ca. 2 months at 8degreesC and ca. 6 months at 2degreesC), and then the muscle, viscera and carcass PLs and NLs were analysed for fatty acid composition. The ratios of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids (UFA:SFA), and the unsaturation indices (UIs, the number of unsaturated bonds per 100 fatty acid molecules) were calculated for each lipid class (PL, NL) within each tissue (muscle, viscera and carcass). Both dietary fatty acids and temperature influenced the compositions of the tissue lipids, with the dietary effects being most pronounced. The fatty acid composition of the feed oils was strongly reflected in the NLs of all three tissues, and also had a significant influence on the fatty acid profiles of the PLs. The effects of temperature were more marked in the PLs than in the NLs. Exposure to the lower temperature resulted in PLs with higher UFA:SFAs, and this is interpreted as a thermal acclimation response that would contribute to the maintenance of membrane fluidity. The PLs of fish given vegetable oils had higher UFA:SFAs than those of salmon provided with feeds containing fish oil, implying that the cell membranes of the former may have had greater fluidity. By contrast, the PLs of salmon fed with fish oil had higher concentrations of n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids, and higher UIs, which may have made them more prone to peroxidative damage. This raises the intriguing possibility that the feeding of vegetable oils may have produced fish that were better able to withstand exposure to low temperature as a result of improved membrane fluidity (implied from the higher UFA:SFAs in these fish), while having membrane PLs that were less susceptible to oxidative damage (implied from the lower UIs).
机译:鱼组织中极性磷脂(PLs)和非极性中性脂质(NLs)的脂肪酸组成均受饮食脂肪酸的影响,并且组织脂肪酸的组成在热适应过程中也会发生变化。尽管在冷水中养鱼时这可能很重要,但对控制脂肪酸组成的这些因素之间的相互作用的研究很少。进行了一项实验,研究温度(2 vs. 8℃),膳食油源(鱼油与植物油)和饲料脂肪含量(21%vs. 34%脂肪)对大西洋鲑鱼par组织脂肪酸组成的影响。将鱼置于12 h光照:12 ​​h黑暗光周期的淡水中,直到它们的体重翻倍(从约19到38 g,在8°C约需2个月,在2°C约需6个月),以及然后分析肌肉,内脏和car体的PL和NL的脂肪酸组成。对于每个组织(肌肉,内脏)中的每个脂质类别(PL,NL),计算不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸的比率(UFA:SFA)以及不饱和指数(UIs,每100个脂肪酸分子的不饱和键数)和car体)。饮食中的脂肪酸和温度都影响组织脂质的组成,其中饮食作用最为明显。进料油的脂肪酸组成强烈反映在所有三个组织的NL中,并且对PL的脂肪酸谱也有显着影响。 PL中的温度影响比NL中的温度影响更为明显。暴露于较低温度会导致PLs具有较高的UFA:SFA,这被解释为热驯化响应,有助于维持膜的流动性。食用植物油的鱼类的PLA比提供鱼油的鲑鱼的PLA具有更高的UFA:SFA,这意味着前者的细胞膜可能具有更大的流动性。相比之下,用鱼油喂养的鲑鱼的PL含有较高浓度的n-3高不饱和脂肪酸和较高的UI,这可能使它们更容易受到过氧化损伤。这就增加了一种有趣的可能性,即由于提高了膜的流动性(由这些鱼中较高的UFA:SFA推断),植物油的饲喂可能生产出了能够更好地承受低温的鱼类,同时其膜PL较不易受到氧化损伤的影响(由较低的用户界面暗示)。



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