首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >A staging system for renal outcome and early markers of renal response to chemotherapy in AL amyloidosis

A staging system for renal outcome and early markers of renal response to chemotherapy in AL amyloidosis


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The kidney is involved in 70% of patients with immunoglobulin light-chain (AL) amyloidosis, but little is known on progression or reversibility of renal involvement, and criteria for renal response have never been validated. Newly diagnosed patients from the Pavia (n = 461, testing cohort) and Heidelberg (n = 271, validation cohort) centers were included. Proteinuria >5 g/24h and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <50 mL/min predicted progression to dialysis best. Proteinuria below and eGFR above the thresholds indicated low risk (0 and 4% at 3 years in the testing and validation cohorts, respectively). High proteinuria and low eGFR indicated high risk (60% and 85% at 3 years). At 6 months, a ≥25% eGFR decrease predicted poor renal survival in both cohorts and was adopted as criterion for renal progression. A decrease in proteinuria by ≥30% or below 0.5 g/24 h without renal progression was the criterion for renal response, being associated with longer renal survival in the testing and validation populations. Hematologic very good partial or complete remission at 6 months improved renal outcome in both populations. We identified and validated a staging system for renal involvement and criteria for early assessment of renal response and progression in AL amyloidosis that should be used in clinical practice and trial design.
机译:免疫球蛋白轻链(AL)淀粉样变性患者中有70%受累于肾脏,但对肾脏受累的进展或可逆性知之甚少,而且尚未确定肾脏反应的标准。包括来自Pavia(n = 461,测试队列)和Heidelberg(n = 271,验证队列)中心的新诊断患者。蛋白尿> 5 g / 24h和估计的肾小球滤过率(eGFR)<50 mL / min预测最佳透析进程。低于阈值的蛋白尿和eGFR高于阈值表示低风险(在测试和验证队列中,分别在3年时为0和4%)。高蛋白尿和低eGFR表示高风险(3年时分别为60%和85%)。在6个月时,eGFR≥25%的降低预示了这两个队列的肾脏存活率均较差,并被视为肾脏进展的标准。在没有肾脏进展的情况下,蛋白尿减少≥30%或低于0.5 g / 24 h是肾脏反应的标准,这与测试和验证人群的肾脏生存期更长有关。两个人群在6个月时血液学上良好的部分或完全缓解改善了肾脏的预后。我们确定并验证了用于肾脏受累的分期系统,以及早期评估应用于临床实践和试验设计的AL淀粉样变性病的肾脏反应和进展的标准。



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