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Early Curative Fungicide Applications Provide Disease Control on Fairway-height Creeping Bentgrass


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Several approaches for timing curative fungicide applications for control of dollar spot were compared on creeping bentgrass managed under fairway conditions. The efficacy of curative control of dollar spot depended on the action threshold selected. The "≥1%" curative treatment, in which applications were made when dollar spot severity in those plots averaged ≥1% (minimum spray interval 14 days), reduced fungicide usage by 30+% and generally provided equivalent or nearly equivalent disease control,as compared to a biweekly preventive program. The use of an action threshold of ≥10% disease severity reduced fungicide usage further but resulted in substantially less disease control than the preventive program. Based on our results, on creeping bentgrass fairways, golf course superintendents may be able to reduce fungicide usage by applying an effective fungicide when an early curative action threshold (such as 0.5% or 1%) is reached, with a minimum of two weeks between applications. The growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl had little impact on disease severity and minimal effect on the number of fungicide applications called for in the different curative programs tested.
机译:比较了几种在球道条件下管理的ing草上定时施用杀真菌剂来控制美元斑的方法。治愈美元现货的控制效果取决于所选的操作阈值。 “≥1%”治疗方法是在这些地块的美元斑点严重度平均≥1%(最小喷洒间隔14天),杀真菌剂使用量减少30 +%并通常提供等效或几乎等效的疾病控制的情况下进行的,与双周预防计划相比。疾病严重度≥10%的作用阈值的使用进一步减少了杀菌剂的使用,但与预防计划相比,其疾病控制要少得多。根据我们的研究结果,在弯曲的草丛球道上,高尔夫球场管理员可以在达到早期治愈阈值(例如0.5%或1%)时使用有效的杀菌剂,从而减少杀菌剂的使用,并且间隔至少两周。应用程序。生长调节剂抗倒酯对疾病的严重程度影响很小,对测试的不同治疗方案中要求的杀菌剂施用数量的影响也很小。



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