首页> 外文期刊>Applied Ergonomics >Improving ecological performance of electrical consumer products: the role of design-based measures and user variables

Improving ecological performance of electrical consumer products: the role of design-based measures and user variables


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This research is concerned with the ecological performance of electrical consumer products. It examines the influence of design-based measures on various ecological performance parameters and the relationship of user variables and performance. In the experimental scenario, 40 users were asked to clean a room with a vacuum cleaner under different conditions. In a multi-factorial design, the following independent variables were employed: on-product information, enhanced display-control labelling and proximity of controls. Measures of user variables (environmental concern, knowledge, habits) of ecological behaviour were also taken. The results showed that enhanced display-control labelling improved ecological performance but only when the label was placed close to the user. On-product information only resulted in behavioural change when it was in close spatial proximity to the control device. A positive effect on ecological performance was also observed when controls were in a proximal rather than distal position. Among user variables, habits were found to have an influence on behaviour shown in experimental scenarios. A practical implication of the findings for environmentally friendly design of consumer products is that there should be a stronger focus on system-based measures rather than information-based measures. Finally, the article discusses the theoretical implications of using operational scenarios rather than the information display board paradigm.



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