首页> 外文期刊>Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology >Utilizing pigment-producing fungi to add commercial value to American beech (Fagus grandifolia)

Utilizing pigment-producing fungi to add commercial value to American beech (Fagus grandifolia)

机译:利用产生色素的真菌为美国山毛榉(Fagus grandifolia)增加商业价值

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American beech (Fagus grandifolia) is an abundant, underutilized tree in certain areas of North America, and methods to increase its market value are of considerable interest. This research utilized pigment-producing fungi to induce color in American beech to potentially establish its use as a decorative wood. Wood samples were inoculated with Trametes versicolor, Xylaria polymorpha, Inonotus hispidus, and Arthrographis cuboidea to induce fungal pigmentation. Black pigmentation (T. versicolor, X. polymorpha, I. hispidus) was sporadic, occurred primarily on the surfaces of the heartwood, but not internally. Pink pigmentation (A. cuboidea) occurred throughout all of the tested beech samples, but was difficult to see in the heartwood due to the darker color of the wood. To increase the visibility of the pink stain, beech blocks were pretreated with T. versicolor for 4 weeks before being inoculated with A. cuboidea. This method significantly increased the saturation of the pink stain on both beech heartwood and sapwood, creating coloration similar to that found on sugar maple. This value-adding process should be particularly effective for small-scale wood pigmentation, and should help establish a market for this currently underutilized wood species.
机译:美国山毛榉(Fagus grandifolia)在北美的某些地区是一种丰富的,未充分利用的树,提高其市场价值的方法引起了人们的极大兴趣。这项研究利用产生色素的真菌在美国山毛榉中诱导颜色,从而有可能确立其作为装饰木的用途。木材样品用云芝Trametes,多形Xylaria,Inonotus hispidus和Arthrographis cuboidea接种以诱导真菌色素沉着。黑色色素沉着(T. versicolor,X。polymorpha,I。hispidus)是零星的,主要发生在心材的表面,而不是内部。在所有测试的山毛榉样品中均出现粉红色色素沉着(A. cuboidea),但由于木材颜色较深,因此在心材中很难看到。为了增加粉红色污渍的可见度,将山毛榉块用杂色曲霉(T. versicolor)预处理4周,然后再接种小曲霉(A. cuboidea)。此方法显着增加了山毛榉心材和边材上粉红色斑点的饱和度,产生的颜色类似于糖枫上的颜色。这种增值过程对于小规模的木材着色应特别有效,并应有助于为目前未充分利用的木材树种建立市场。



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