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Suggestibility and source monitoring errors: Blame the interview style, interviewer consistency, and the child's personality


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Sixty children were forced to confabulate or given misinformation about a simulated crime. Higher suggestibility in the forced confabulation group than in the suggestive group occurred even after 1 week. Interview source errors in the forced confabulation group were higher for confabulations when asked by the same person, but for control items when asked by a different person. Interview source errors in the suggestive group were higher for confabulations when asked by a different person, but for control items when asked by the same person. Confabulations were misattributed to the video by the forced confabulation more than the suggestive group. However, both groups mistakenly believed they had previously discussed control true-event items. Suggestibility was high when imaginative and dissociative children were forced to confabulate. Control false-event items were misattributed to the interview by compliant children and to the video by imaginative children in the forced confabulation group. Shy children in the forced confabulation group misattributed confabulations to the video, whereas distractible children in the suggestive group misattributed control false-event items to both sources. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:60名儿童被迫捏造或提供关于模拟犯罪的错误信息。即使在1周后,强迫虚构组的暗示性也高于暗示组。当由同一个人提出要求时,强迫捏造小组的访谈源错误较高,而另一个人提出要求时,控制项的访谈来源错误较高。暗示组的访谈源错误在其他人的询问下较高,而在同一人询问的情况下,对照项较高。强迫性捏造比暗示性组织误将捏造归因于视频。但是,这两个团体都错误地认为他们之前曾讨论过控制真实事件项目。当有想象力和分离力的孩子被迫拼凑时,暗示性很高。在强迫捏造小组中,控制虚假事件项被顺应性儿童误认为采访,而富有想象力的儿童则将其误认为视频。强迫虚构组中害羞的孩子将虚构的作品归因于视频,而暗示性组中分散注意力的孩子则将控制虚假事件归因于两个来源。版权所有(c)2005 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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