首页> 外文期刊>Psychiatry research >Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms based on two different interviews: the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorder and the Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines.

Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms based on two different interviews: the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorder and the Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines.

机译:基于两种不同访谈的边界型人格障碍症状的验证性因素分析:DSM-IV Axis II疾病的结构化临床访谈和经修订的边界型诊断性访谈。

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The diagnostic criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are heterogeneous, and include an admixture of personality traits, behaviours, and symptoms. The BPD DSM factor structure has been extensively studied, even though results are not consistent. In this study we performed a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to compare the five-factor model reported by Oldham, a three-factor model, and a unidimensional model of BPD diagnosis criteria. This study validates the findings of previous studies by performing a CFA with the DSM-IV BPD criteria and information derived from the DIB-R. A sample of 338 patients referred to our outpatient BPD program participated in the study. Results of the CFA support both the hypothesized unidimensional and the three-factor models, whereas the five-factor model was not confirmed. However, the three-factor model fits better than the unidimensional model. Thus, although the DSM-IV BPD criteria conceptualize BPD as a unidimensional structure, our results give support to the idea that the three-factor model could offer a better approach to further improve the current treatment of BPD, as well as lead to a better understanding of its ethiopathogenesis and comorbidity analysis.
机译:边缘性人格障碍(BPD)的诊断标准是异类的,并且包括人格特质,行为和症状的混合体。 BPD DSM因子结构已得到广泛研究,即使结果不一致。在这项研究中,我们进行了验证性因素分析(CFA),以比较Oldham报告的五因素模型,三因素模型和BPD诊断标准的一维模型。本研究通过使用DSM-IV BPD标准和源自DIB-R的信息进行CFA验证了先前研究的结果。 338名转诊至我们的门诊BPD计划的患者参加了研究。 CFA的结果支持假设的一维模型和三因素模型,而五因素模型未得到证实。但是,三因素模型比一维模型更适合。因此,尽管DSM-IV BPD标准将BPD概念化为一维结构,但我们的结果支持以下观点:三因素模型可以提供更好的方法来进一步改善BPD的当前治疗方法,并带来更好的治疗效果。了解其致病性和合并症分析。



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