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Combination of thymol treatment (Apiguard (R)) and caging the queen technique to fight Varroa destructor


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Guaranteeing high acaricide efficacy to control Varroa destructor is fundamental for colony survival. In this study, we verified the efficacy and impact of a commercial thymol-based veterinary product (Apiguard(R)) on colony honey bee populations when used alone or combined with the biotechnical method of caging honey bee queens to create an artificial brood interruption period in the colony. Apiguard(R) killed 76.1% of the mites while queen caging killed 40.6% of the mites. The combination of Apiguard(R) administration with queen caging killed 96.8% of the mites. Comparing bee numbers before and after treatment, Apiguard(R) treated colonies with caged queens had 48.7% fewer bees compared to before treatment, while Apiguard(R) alone reduced the number of adult bees by 13.6%. None of the treatments in the different groups resulted in elevated queen mortality.
机译:确保高杀螨剂功效以控制Varroa破坏物是菌落存活的基础。在这项研究中,我们验证了单独使用或与笼养蜂皇后的生物技术方法结合使用以创造人工育雏期的商业百里香酚基兽药(Apiguard(R))对殖民地蜜蜂种群的功效和影响。在殖民地。 Apiguard(R)杀死了76.1%的螨虫,而女王笼子杀死了40.6%的螨虫。 Apiguard(R)施用与女王笼养相结合杀死了96.8%的螨虫。比较处理前后的蜜蜂数量,用Apiguard®处理过的带笼状女王的菌落比处理前减少了48.7%的蜜蜂,而仅Apiguard®减少了13.6%的成年蜜蜂数量。不同组中的所有治疗均未导致女王死亡率升高。



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