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Systemic nitric oxide clamping in normal humans guided by total peripheral resistance.


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AIM: We wanted to stabilize the availability of nitric oxide (NO) at levels compatible with normal systemic haemodynamics to provide a model for studies of complex regulations in the absence of changes in NO levels. METHODS: Normal volunteers (23-28 years) were infused i.v. with the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) at 0.5 mg kg(-1) h(-1). One hour later, the NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) was co-infused in doses eliminating the haemodynamic effects of l-NAME. Haemodynamic measurements included blood pressure (MABP) and cardiac output (CO) by impedance cardiography. RESULTS: l-NAME increased MABP and total peripheral resistance (TPR, 1.02 + or - 0.05 to 1.36 + or - 0.07 mmHg s mL(-1), mean + or - SEM, P < 0.001). With SNP, TPR fell to a stable value slightly below control (0.92 + or - 0.05 mmHg s mL(-1), P < 0.05). CO decreased with l-NAME (5.8 + or - 0.3 to 4.7 + or - 0.3 L min(-1), P < 0.01) and returned to control when SNP was added (6.0 + or - 0.3 L min(-1)). A decrease in plasma noradrenaline (42%, P < 0.01) during l-NAME administration was completely reversed by SNP. Plasma renin activity decreased during l-NAME administration and returned towards normal after addition of SNP. In contrast, plasma aldosterone was increased by l-NAME and remained elevated. CONCLUSIONS: Concomitant NOS inhibition and NO donor administration can be adjusted to maintain TPR at control level for hours. This approach may be useful in protocols in which stabilization of the peripheral supply of NO is required. However, the dissociation between renin and aldosterone secretion needs further investigation.
机译:目的:我们希望将一氧化氮(NO)的可用性稳定在与正常全身血流动力学相适应的水平,以为在NO水平无变化的情况下研究复杂法规提供模型。方法:将正常志愿者(23-28岁)静脉注射。与一氧化氮合酶(NOS)抑制剂N(G)-硝基-1-精氨酸甲酯(l-NAME)在0.5 mg kg(-1)h(-1)时反应。一小时后,将NO供体硝普钠(SNP)以一定剂量共输注,以消除l-NAME的血液动力学效应。血流动力学测量包括通过阻抗心动描记法测得的血压(MABP)和心输出量(CO)。结果:l-NAME增加了MABP和总外周阻力(TPR,1.02 +或-0.05至1.36 +或-0.07 mmHg s mL(-1),平均值+或-SEM,P <0.001)。使用SNP,TPR降至一个稳定值,略低于控制值(0.92 +或-0.05 mmHg s mL(-1),P <0.05)。 CO随l-NAME的下降而下降(5.8 +或-0.3至4.7 +或-0.3 L min(-1),P <0.01),并在添加SNP时恢复控制(6.0 +或-0.3 L min(-1)) 。 SNP可完全逆转l-NAME给药期间血浆去甲肾上腺素的降低(42%,P <0.01)。 l-NAME给药期间血浆肾素活性下降,加入SNP后血浆肾素活性恢复正常。相反,血浆醛固酮被l-NAME增加并保持升高。结论:可以调整同时抑制NOS和NO供体的使用,以将TPR维持在控制水平数小时。该方法在需要稳定NO外围供应的协议中可能有用。然而,肾素和醛固酮分泌之间的分离需要进一步研究。



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