首页> 外文期刊>Annals of epidemiology >Does territoriality modify the relationship between perceived neighborhood challenges and physical activity? A multilevel analysis

Does territoriality modify the relationship between perceived neighborhood challenges and physical activity? A multilevel analysis


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Purpose: Individuals who perceive more neighborhood challenges are less physically active. Territoriality, an observable positive marker of social presence and defensible space in the neighborhood, may influence the association between neighborhood challenges and physical activity (PA). We hypothesized that greater territoriality would reduce the negative effects of neighborhood challenges on PA levels. Methods: Data were collected by the Healthy Environments Partnership in an urban Midwestern city. Multilevel regressions were used to test associations in a sample of 696 white, black, and Hispanic adults older than 25 years. Results: Territoriality moderated associations between residents' perceptions of neighborhood challenges and PA. Contrary to our hypothesis, individuals who perceived more neighborhood challenges and lived in areas with more territoriality markers (e.g., buildings with decorations, buildings with security signage, and neighborhood watch signs) were less physically active than other respondents (. b=-2.41, standard error=0.84, P<.01). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that associations between perceived neighborhood challenges and PA are shaped by the context in which the individual lives. Our study provides empirical evidence that individual perceptions and observed neighborhood characteristics are joint contributors to PA and suggest the need for continued research to characterize the complexity of individual and contextual factors that contribute to PA.
机译:目的:感知更多邻里挑战的人的体育锻炼较少。地域性是邻里社会存在和可防御空间的可观察到的积极标志,可能会影响邻里挑战与身体活动(PA)之间的关联。我们假设更大的地域性将减少邻里挑战对PA水平的负面影响。方法:通过健康环境伙伴关系在中西部城市中收集数据。多级回归用于测试696名25岁以上的白人,黑人和西班牙裔成年人的关联。结果:地域性调节了居民对邻里挑战的感知与PA之间的关联。与我们的假设相反,那些感知更多邻里挑战并居住在具有更多地域性标记的区域(例如,带有装饰的建筑物,带有安全标志的建筑物和邻里监视标志的地区)的人比其他受访者的体育活动较少(。b = -2.41,标准误差= 0.84,P <.01)。结论:我们的研究结果表明,感知到的邻里挑战与PA之间的关联受个人生活环境的影响。我们的研究提供了经验证据,表明个人的看法和观察到的邻里特征是对PA的共同贡献者,并建议有必要继续进行研究以表征影响PA的个体和背景因素的复杂性。



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