首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural pharmacology >The discriminative stimulus effects of mecamylamine in nicotine-treated and untreated rhesus monkeys

The discriminative stimulus effects of mecamylamine in nicotine-treated and untreated rhesus monkeys


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The extent to which chronic nicotine treatment can alter the effects of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist mecamylamine, and whether those effects can be attenuated by nicotine have not been clearly established in the literature. Here, the discriminative stimulus effects of mecamylamine were compared between one group of rhesus monkeys receiving a continuous infusion of nicotine base (5.6mg/kg/day subcutaneously) and another group of monkeys not receiving nicotine treatment. Both groups responded under a fixed ratio 5 schedule of stimulus-shock termination. Stimulus control was obtained at doses of 1.78mg/kg mecamylamine in monkeys receiving continuous nicotine and 5.6mg/kg mecamylamine in monkeys not receiving continuous nicotine treatment. Nicotine did not attenuate the discriminative stimulus effects of mecamylamine in either group. Discontinuation of continuous nicotine produced responding on the mecamylamine lever within 24h in some but not all monkeys. This may indicate a qualitative difference in the discriminative stimulus effects of mecamylamine between groups, perhaps reflecting antagonism of nicotine and nicotine withdrawal in monkeys receiving continuous nicotine. The failure of nicotine to reverse the effects of mecamylamine is consistent with a noncompetitive interaction at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and indicates that mecamylamine-induced withdrawal cannot be readily modified by nicotine.
机译:慢性尼古丁治疗可改变烟碱乙酰胆碱受体拮抗剂美卡敏的作用的程度,以及尼古丁能否减弱这些作用尚未在文献中明确确定。在这里,比较了接受连续输注尼古丁碱(5.6mg / kg /天皮下注射)的一组恒河猴和未接受尼古丁治疗的另一组猕猴的美卡敏的区别刺激作用。两组均按照固定比例5的刺激休克时间表做出反应。在接受连续尼古丁治疗的猴子中,刺激剂量为1.78mg / kg美卡敏,在未接受连续尼古丁治疗的猴子中为5.6mg / kg美卡敏。两组中尼古丁均未减弱美卡敏的歧视性刺激作用。在部分而非全部猴子中,连续24小时内停止使用尼古丁胺产生的连续尼古丁产生响应。这可能表明两组间美加明的歧视性刺激效果在质量上存在差异,这可能反映了接受连续尼古丁的猴子对尼古丁和尼古丁戒断的拮抗作用。尼古丁不能逆转美卡明胺的作用与烟碱乙酰胆碱受体的非竞争性相互作用相一致,表明尼古丁不能轻易改变美卡明胺引起的戒断。



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