首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural Brain Research: An International Journal >Effects of valproic acid on an animal model of tardive dyskinesia.

Effects of valproic acid on an animal model of tardive dyskinesia.


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GABAergic hypofunction in the basal ganglia is stated as an important mechanism underlying the pathophysiology of tardive dyskinesia. The present study investigates the effects of the GABA-mimetic drug valproic acid (VA) on the manifestation of reserpine-induced orofacial movements, an animal model of tardive dyskinesia. Male Wistar rats received two injections of control solution or of 1 mg/kg reserpine separated by 48 h. Twenty-four hours later, animals were acutely treated with 50, 100, or 200 mg/kg VA or control solution and were observed for quantification of orofacial movements and of open-field general activity. The highest dose of VA inhibited the manifestation of reserpine-induced orofacial movements but none of the VA doses modified reserpine-induced decrease in open-field general activity. These results support the potential of VA as an effective pharmacological tool in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia.
机译:基底节中的GABA能功能低下被认为是迟发性运动障碍的病理生理基础的重要机制。本研究调查了GABA模拟药物丙戊酸(VA)对利血平诱导的口部运动的表现的影响,后者是迟发性运动障碍的动物模型。雄性Wistar大鼠接受两次注射对照溶液或1 mg / kg利血平,间隔48小时。二十四小时后,用50、100或200 mg / kg V​​A或对照溶液对动物进行急性处理,观察其对口腔运动和野外一般活动的量化。最高剂量的VA抑制利血平诱导的口部运动的表现,但没有VA剂量能改变利血平引起的开放视野一般活动的减少。这些结果支持VA作为治疗迟发性运动障碍的有效药理学工具的潜力。



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