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The functional significance of buccal feeding in the mouthbrooding cichlid Tropheus moorii

机译:含漱口的丽鱼科鱼类Tropheus moorii的颊面喂养功能意义

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The mouthbrooding cichlid Tropheus moorii exhibits an exceptional degree of maternal investment. Females produce very large eggs, which are incubated for a period of six weeks, and they feed their young in the mouth while starving themselves. Only very few fish species are known to feed their young. We hypothesized that feeding may either (1) benefit females directly if young develop faster, or (2) provide a size advantage to young. To distinguish between these mutually non-exclusive hypotheses, we measured costs and benefits arising for mouthbrooding females when feeding their young. Field observations revealed that mouthbrooding females reduced bite rates, locomotion and territorial defence compared to nonbrooding adults. Feeding rates correlated positively with locomotion, as fish moving around more also spent more time with territory defence and other social interactions. This suggests that buccal feeding is costly when compared to mere incubation without feeding the young. In an experiment, in which we controlled the access of females to food, we showed that these costs are apparently not counterbalanced by a benefit to females through a shorter incubation duration. Rather, fed young were larger, heavier and had higher burst-swimming speeds. The extreme maternal investment of T moorii appears to yield fitness benefits to females by producing larger and stronger young, which consequently should have better survival chances in their natural environment.
机译:令人叹为观止的丽鱼科植物Tropheus moorii表现出卓越的产妇投资水平。雌性产生很大的卵,将其孵化六周,然后在饿死自己的时候将幼仔喂入嘴中。已知只有很少的鱼类能够喂养幼鱼。我们假设饲喂可能(1)如果年轻人发育更快直接使雌性受益,或者(2)为年轻人提供体型优势。为了区分这些互斥的假说,我们测量了哺育雌性时育雏的成本和收益。实地观察表明,与不育龄的成年女性相比,嗜血的雌性降低了叮咬率,运动能力和领土防御。进食速度与运动成正相关,因为更多地游动的鱼类还花费更多时间与领土防御和其他社会互动。这表明,与不给未成年幼仔进行单纯孵化相比,经颊喂养是昂贵的。在一项控制雌性食物获取的实验中,我们表明,通过缩短孵化时间为雌性带来的好处显然无法抵消这些成本。相反,饱食的年轻人更大,更重并且爆发游泳的速度更高。 T moorii的极大的产妇投资似乎通过产生更大和更强壮的年轻人而为女性带来健身益处,因此应该在自然环境中拥有更好的生存机会。



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