首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Glaciology >Measurement of sea-ice draft using upward-looking ADCP on an autonomous underwater vehicle

Measurement of sea-ice draft using upward-looking ADCP on an autonomous underwater vehicle


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During March 2003, Autosub, an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) operated by the UK National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, was deployed under sea ice north of Thurston Island, Amundsen Sea, Antarctica (at ~718 S, 1008 W). The vehicle was fitted with an upward-looking 300 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) to provide current velocity above the AUV. The ADCP also recorded ranges to the ocean–ice interface. Such data can be used to derive sea-ice draft by using a number of novel processing steps such as correcting for the coordinate systems of the ADCP unit and the vehicle as well as corrections for changes in sound speed. This paper outlines the processing stages required to obtain a probability density function (PDF) of sea-ice draft and presents PDFs for the region north of Thurston Island. The distribution of ice draft was found to be unimodal, with modes between 2.2 and 2.4 m. Given the uncertainty in sound speed, the limit of accuracy was estimated as ~6 cm.
机译:2003年3月,由南安普敦的英国国家海洋学中心运营的自动水下航行器Autosub被部署在南极洲阿蒙森海的瑟斯顿岛以北的海冰下(〜718 S,1008 W)。该车辆装有一个向上看的300 kHz声学多普勒电流剖面仪(ADCP),以提供高于AUV的电流速度。 ADCP还记录了到海冰界面的距离。通过使用许多新颖的处理步骤(例如校正ADCP单元和车辆的坐标系以及校正声速的变化),可以将此类数据用于得出海冰吃水深度。本文概述了获得海冰吃水的概率密度函数(PDF)所需的处理阶段,并介绍了瑟斯顿岛以北地区的PDF。发现冰吃水的分布是单峰的,模式在2.2至2.4 m之间。考虑到声速的不确定性,精度极限估计为〜6 cm。



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