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Immunochemical detection of drugs used for the management of heroin dependence and other opioids


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In France in 2007, between 12000 and 15 000 patients were treated by methadone and more than 80000 by buprenorphine. A rapid detection of these two compounds has to be available for the monitoring of these patients, or in forensic cases since these compounds are found in more than 8% of the deceases. Many studies were published on the different marketed tests. All these tests were validated in urine, but many of them, notably ELISA tests, were also validated in whole blood, serum, plasma, oral fluid or hair. The used cut-offs were in the range 5-300 ng/mL for methadone and 0.5-5 ng/mL for buprenorphine depending on the tests and the matrix. In hair, the proposed cut-offs were 200 pg/mg for methadone and 10 pg/mg for buprenorphine. The cross-reactivity of EDDP, the main metabolite of methadone, is very low, but some tests used a specific antibody for this metabolite. The cross-reactivity of norbuprenor-phine, the main metabolite of buprenorphine, is in the range 1-100%. False-positives for methadone were attributable to metabolites of verapamil, some neuroleptics, diphenydramine and doxylamine and to tramadol and dihydrocodeine for buprenorphine tests. More recently, immunotests have been developped for the screening of opioid drugs that are not detected by usual opiate immunoassay, like dextropropoxyphene, oxycodone and fentanyl. These tests may be very interesting in some cases.
机译:2007年在法国,美沙酮治疗了12000至15000例患者,丁丙诺啡治疗了80000例以上。必须对这两种化合物进行快速检测,以监测这些患者,或者在法医病例中,因为发现这些化合物的病例超过8%。针对不同的市场测试发表了许多研究。所有这些测试均在尿液中进行了验证,但其中许多测试(尤其是ELISA测试)也已在全血,血清,血浆,口腔液或头发中进行了验证。美沙酮的使用临界值范围为5-300 ng / mL,丁丙诺啡的临界值范围为0.5-5 ng / mL,这取决于测试和基质。在头发中,美沙酮的建议临界值为200 pg / mg,丁丙诺啡的临界值为10 pg / mg。 EDDP(美沙酮的主要代谢物)的交叉反应性非常低,但是一些测试针对该代谢物使用了特异性抗体。丁丙诺啡的主要代谢产物去甲丁丙诺啡的交叉反应性为1-100%。美沙酮的假阳性可归因于维拉帕米,某些抗精神病药,苯海拉明和多西拉敏的代谢产物,以及曲马多和二氢可待因用于丁丙诺啡试验。最近,已经开发了用于测试阿片类药物的免疫测试方法,而阿片类药物却无法通过常规的鸦片类免疫测定法检测到,例如右旋丙氧芬,羟考酮和芬太尼。在某些情况下,这些测试可能非常有趣。



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