首页> 外文期刊>Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology >Lactic acid fermentation is the main aerobic metabolic pathway in Enterococcus faecalis metabolizing a high concentration of glycerol

Lactic acid fermentation is the main aerobic metabolic pathway in Enterococcus faecalis metabolizing a high concentration of glycerol


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Bacterial lactate production by fermentative lactate dehydrogenase is generally activated under anaerobic conditions. However, when the Enterococcus faecalis strain W11 was cultured with a high concentration of glycerol (1.0M), but not with glucose, up to 0.95M L-lactate was produced from 1.0M glycerol via the fermentative L-lactate dehydrogenase (LdhL1) reaction despite the abundant supply of oxygen. To understand the underlying mechanism, transcription, metabolic products, and intracellular NADH/total NAD (tNAD) ratio of W11 were analyzed. The ldhL1 transcription was constitutive and not markedly affected by dissolved oxygen level or NADH/tNAD ratio. Conversely, gene transcription and enzyme activities related to other pyruvate metabolic pathways, namely the acetoin, acetate, and ethanol production pathways, in W11 utilizing 1.0M glycerol tended to be downregulated or inactivated by a high NADH/tNAD ratio or supply of oxygen. These findings indicated that the amount and yield of L-lactate depended on the activity levels of other metabolic pathways and that lactic acid fermentation was the main aerobic metabolic pathway in W11 utilizing glycerol at a high concentration. This phenomenon enabled W11 to produce up to 1.50M and 1.15M L-lactate from glycerol and crude glycerol with a high yield, respectively, and these production amounts were higher than those in previous studies.
机译:通过发酵乳酸脱氢酶产生的细菌乳酸盐通常在厌氧条件下活化。然而,当用高浓度的甘油(1.0M)培养肠球菌粪便菌株W11时,但不含葡萄糖,通过发酵L-乳酸脱氢酶(LDHL1)反应,从1.0M甘油中产生高达0.95m的乳酸盐尽管提供了丰富的氧气。为了了解潜在的机制,转录,代谢产物和细胞内NADH /总NAD(TNAD)比例的W11的比例。 LDHL1转录是组成型的,并且没有明显受溶解的氧水平或NADH / TNAD比的影响。相反,与其他丙酮酸代谢途径,即丙酮素,乙酸酯和乙醇生产途径的基因转录和酶活性,其在使用1.0m甘油的W11中倾向于通过高NADH / TNAD比或氧气供应来下降或灭活。这些发现表明,L-乳酸的量和产率取决于其他代谢途径的活性水平,并且乳酸发酵是在高浓度下使用甘油的W11中的主要有氧代谢途径。这种现象使W11能够产生高达1.50m,从甘油和粗甘油的乳酸盐,分别具有高屈服,并且这些产量高于先前研究中的甘油。



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