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A whole-farm profitability analysis of organic and conventional cropping systems.


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Previous studies have found that organic crop production in the midwestern United States can be more profitable than conventional crop production. However, these studies have failed to consider potential differences in farm size between the two systems. If an organic crop rotation cannot be managed on as large an area as a conventional rotation given the same resources, a per-hectare profitability advantage for the organic system would not necessarily translate into a whole-farm profitability advantage. This paper uses management data from a long-term cropping systems trial to estimate the maximum farm size for a conventional corn-soybean rotation and an organic corn-soybean-oat/alfalfa-alfalfa rotation, subject to appropriate yield penalties for management delays and three different machinery complement scenarios. Using these farm size results we estimate whole-farm net returns for each system and then compare the estimated distributions of net returns using stochastic dominance criteria. The results of the farm size model show that under the two largest machinery complement scenarios the conventional corn-soybean rotation can be managed on a larger area than the organic rotation, given equal labor endowments. The smallest machinery complement scenario results in equal farm sizes for both systems. Estimated machinery costs per hectare are lower and whole-farm net returns are higher for larger farms under both cropping systems. However, for each machinery complement scenario, average whole-farm net returns are higher for the organic system than the conventional system, despite the larger farm size under the conventional system for the two largest machinery complements. Stochastic dominance analysis for a baseline scenario with full organic price premiums and no reductions in observed organic yields indicates that risk averse farmers would prefer the organic rotation over the conventional rotation for each of the three machinery complements. Sensitivity analysis shows that reductions in organic yields from those achieved in the experimental trial and reductions in price premiums received for organic crops make the conventional rotation more competitive but still not dominant for all risk averse producers.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2013.07.007
机译:先前的研究发现,美国中西部的有机农作物生产比常规农作物生产更有利可图。但是,这些研究未能考虑两个系统之间的农场规模的潜在差异。如果在给定相同资源的情况下,无法以与常规轮作一样大的面积管理有机农作物轮作,那么有机系统每公顷的获利优势将不一定转化为全农场的获利优势。本文使用来自长期种植系统试验的管理数据来估算常规玉米-大豆轮作和有机玉米-大豆-燕麦/紫花苜蓿-苜蓿轮作的最大农场规模,但要考虑到适当的产量损失以应对管理延迟和三个不同的机器补充方案。使用这些农场规模结果,我们估算每个系统的整个农场净收益,然后使用随机优势标准比较估算的净收益分布。农场规模模型的结果表明,在给定相同的劳动力end赋的情况下,在两种最大的机械补充情景下,传统的玉米-大豆轮作可以比有机轮作更大的面积进行管理。最小的机器补充方案可以使两个系统的服务器场大小相等。在两种耕作制度下,大型农场的每公顷机械成本估计较低,整个农场的净收益较高。但是,对于每种机械补品方案,尽管传统系统中两个最大的机械补品的农场规模较大,但有机系统的平均全农场净收益要高于常规系统。对于具有完全有机价格溢价且未观察到的有机单产下降的基准情景的随机优势分析表明,对于三个机械补充中的每一个,厌恶风险的农民都比传统轮换更喜欢有机轮换。敏感性分析表明,与有机试验相比,有机产量的降低以及有机作物获得的价格溢价的降低使常规轮换更具竞争力,但对于所有规避风险的生产者来说仍不占主导地位.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi .org / 10.1016 / j.agsy.2013.07.007



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