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Gadgeteeringfor Health Care-The John W. Severinghaus Lecture on Translational Science

机译:卫生保健小工具-John W. Severinghaus转化科学讲座

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TRANSLATIONAL science, a new word coined to label the ancient practice of devising something helpful to the sick, long precedes the first physician-scientist, Paracelsus. In Basel, Switzerland, circa 1530, Paracelsus, the miracle doctor known as "the Luther of Medicine," introduced chemistry to medicine, destroying alchemy and discovering ether analgesia. Rene Laennec introduced the stethoscope in 19th-century France to avoid putting his ear on a bared female bosom. Although ether's introduction fits the translational science concept, Morton's inhaler does not, being closer to some of my "gadgeteering."
机译:翻译科学是一个新词,被用来标记古老的做法,即设计对病人有帮助的东西,这远比第一位医师科学家Paracelsus早。在瑞士巴塞尔,大约1530年,奇迹般的医生Paracelsus被称为“医学路德”,将化学方法引入药物中,破坏了炼金术并发现了乙醚镇痛作用。雷内·兰内克(Rene Laennec)在19世纪的法国引入了这种听诊器,以避免将耳朵放在裸露的女性怀抱上。尽管以太坊的介绍符合翻译科学的概念,但莫顿的吸入器并不适合我,它更接近于我的一些“小工具”。



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