首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >Structure and dynamics of the platelet integrin-binding C4 domain of von Willebrand factor

Structure and dynamics of the platelet integrin-binding C4 domain of von Willebrand factor

机译:Von Willebrand因子的血小板整合蛋白结合C4结构域的结构和动态

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Von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a key player in the regulation of hemostasis by promoting recruitment of platelets to sites of vascular injury. An array of 6 C domains forms the dimeric C-terminal VWF stem. Upon shear force activation, the stem adopts an open conformation allowing the adhesion of VWF to platelets and the vessel wall. To understand the underlying molecular mechanism and associated functional perturbations in diseaserelated variants, knowledge of high-resolution structures and dynamics of C domains is of paramount interest. Here, we present the solution structure of the VWF C4 domain, which binds to the platelet integrin and is therefore crucial for the VWF function. In the structure, we observed 5 intra-and inter-subdomain disulfide bridges, of which 1 is unique in the C4 domain. The structure further revealed an unusually hinged 2-subdomain arrangement. The hinge is confined to a very short segment around V2547 connecting the 2 subdomains. Together with 2 nearby inter-subdomain disulfide bridges, this hinge induces slow conformational changes and positional alternations of both subdomains with respect to each other. Furthermore, the structure demonstrates that a clinical gain-of-function VWF variant (Y2561) is more likely to have an effect on the arrangement of the C4 domain with neighboring domains rather than impairing platelet integrin binding.
机译:Von Willebrand因子(VWF)是通过促进血小板募集到血管损伤部位来调节止血的关键球员。 6个C域阵列形成二聚体C末端VWF杆。在剪切力激活时,杆采用开放构象,允许VWF的粘附到血小板和血管壁。为了了解潜在的分子机制和相关功能扰动在不安全的变体中,高分辨率结构和C域的动态的知识是至关重要的。这里,我们介绍了VWF C4结构域的溶液结构,其与血小板整合蛋白结合,因此对VWF功能至关重要。在该结构中,我们观察到亚域内和亚域间二硫化物桥,其中1在C4结构域中是独特的。该结构进一步揭示了一种异常铰接的2子域布置。铰链限制在v2547周围的非常短的段,连接2个子域。与2附近的亚域间二硫化物桥一起,这种铰链在彼此相对于彼此相对于较慢的构象变化和两个子域的位置交替。此外,该结构表明临床增益VWF变体(Y2561)更可能对C4结构域的布置具有相邻结构域而不是损害血小板整联蛋白结合。



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