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The effects of physical activity on impulsive choice: Influence of sensitivity to reinforcement amount and delay


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Impulsive choice is a diagnostic feature and/or complicating factor for several psychological disorders and may be examined in the laboratory using delay-discounting procedures. Recent investigators have proposed using quantitative measures of analysis to examine the behavioral processes contributing to impulsive choice. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of physical activity (i.e., wheel running) on impulsive choice in a single-response, discrete-trial procedure using two quantitative methods of analysis. To this end, rats were assigned to physical activity or sedentary groups and trained to respond in a delay-discounting procedure. In this procedure, one lever always produced one food pellet immediately, whereas a second lever produced three food pellets after a 0, 10, 20, 40, or 80-s delay. Estimates of sensitivity to reinforcement amount and sensitivity to reinforcement delay were determined using (1) a simple linear analysis and (2) an analysis of logarithmically transformed response ratios. Both analyses revealed that physical activity decreased sensitivity to reinforcement amount and sensitivity to reinforcement delay. These findings indicate that (1) physical activity has significant but functionally opposing effects on the behavioral processes that contribute to impulsive choice and (2) both quantitative methods of analysis are appropriate for use in single-response, discrete-trial procedures. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:冲动选择是几种心理障碍的诊断特征和/或复杂因素,可以在实验室中使用延迟折扣程序进行检查。最近的研究者提出使用定量分析方法来检查有助于冲动选择的行为过程。这项研究的目的是使用两种定量分析方法,以单响应,离散试验的程序来检查体育活动(即车轮行驶)对冲动选择的影响。为此,将大鼠分配到体育锻炼或久坐的人群中,并训练他们以延迟折扣的方式做出反应。在此过程中,一个杠杆总是立即立即产生一个食物颗粒,而第二个杠杆在延迟0、10、20、40或80秒后才产生三个食物颗粒。对增强量的敏感性和对增强延迟的敏感性的估计是使用(1)简单的线性分析和(2)对数变换的响应比分析来确定的。两项分析均表明,体育锻炼降低了对增强量的敏感性和对增强延迟的敏感性。这些发现表明,(1)身体活动对行为过程有重大影响,但在功能上却相反,这些行为有助于冲动选择;(2)两种定量分析方法均适用于单响应,离散试验程序。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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