首页> 外文期刊>Birth >Attitudes of midwives in Sweden toward a woman's refusal of an emergency cesarean section or a cesarean section on request.

Attitudes of midwives in Sweden toward a woman's refusal of an emergency cesarean section or a cesarean section on request.


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BACKGROUND: A woman's refusal or request for a cesarean section can be a problem for midwives and obstetricians working in maternity units. The objective of this study was to describe the attitudes of midwives in Sweden toward the obstetrician's decision making in relation to a woman's refusal of an emergency cesarean section and to a woman's request for a cesarean section without a medical indication. METHODS: The study has a cross-sectional multicenter design and used an anonymous, structured, and standardized questionnaire for data collection. The study group comprised midwives who had experience working at a delivery ward at 13 maternity units with neonatal intensive care units in Sweden (n = 259). RESULTS: In the case of a woman's refusal to undergo an emergency cesarean section for fetal reasons, most midwives (89%) thought that the obstetrician should try to persuade the woman to agree. Concerning a woman's request for a cesarean section without any medical indications, most midwives thought that the obstetrician should agree if the woman had previous maternal or fetal complications. The reason was to support the woman's decision out of respect for her autonomy; the midwives at six university hospitals were less willing to accept the woman's autonomy in this situation. If the only reason was her own choice, should not comply. CONCLUSIONS: The main focus of midwives seems to be the baby's health, and therefore they do not always agree with respect to a woman's refusal or request for a cesarean section. The midwives prefer to continue to explain the situation and persuade the woman to agree with the recommendation of the obstetrician.
机译:背景:妇女拒绝或要求剖腹产对于在产科工作的助产士和产科医生可能是一个问题。这项研究的目的是描述瑞典助产士对妇产科医生决策的态度,这些决策与妇女拒绝紧急剖宫产以及妇女要求没有医学指征的剖宫产有关。方法:该研究采用横断面多中心设计,并使用匿名,结构化和标准化的问卷进行数据收集。该研究小组由有助产士经验的助产士组成,这些助产士曾在瑞典的13个产科病房和新生儿重症监护病房工作(n = 259)。结果:在由于胎儿原因而拒绝妇女进行紧急剖宫产的情况下,大多数助产士(89%)认为妇产科医生应设法说服妇女同意。关于妇女要求剖腹产而无任何医学适应症的要求,大多数助产士认为,如果该妇女曾有过母体或胎儿并发症,则产科医生应同意。原因是支持该妇女出于对自己自治的尊重而做出的决定;在这种情况下,六所大学医院的助产士不愿接受妇女的自主权。如果唯一的原因是她自己的选择,则不应遵守。结论:助产士的主要重点似乎是婴儿的健康,因此,他们并不总是同意妇女拒绝或要求剖腹产。助产士更愿意继续解释情况并说服妇女同意产科医生的建议。



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