首页> 外文期刊>Current bioactive compounds >ONCOFID?-P a hyaluronic acid paclitaxel conjugate for the treatment of refractory bladder cancer and peritoneal carcinosis

ONCOFID?-P a hyaluronic acid paclitaxel conjugate for the treatment of refractory bladder cancer and peritoneal carcinosis


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Hyaluronan receptors (CD44, RHAMM) are over-expressed in a wide variety of cancers including bladder and ovarian tumors. Based on this rationale, a hyaluronic acid paclitaxel conjugate, ONCOFID?-P, was developed for the treatment of refractory bladder cancer and peritoneal carcinosis. ONCOFID?-P has demonstrated improved in vitro and in vivo efficacy in hyaluronan receptor-positive tumor models and a favorable toxicity profile in rodents. It has been investigated in 15 patients with refractory bladder cancer by intravesical instillation, showing promising antitumor efficacy with 60 % of treated patients achieving a complete response. As a consequence, phase II studies with ONCOFID?-P are ongoing in six European countries. In addition, phase I studies have been initiated investigating the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and the safety profile of ONCOFID?-P following IP infusion in patients affected by intraperitoneal carcinosis in ovarian, breast, stomach, bladder and colon cancer.



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