首页> 外文期刊>American journal of transplantation: official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons >Response to 'Influence of Age and HLA Alleles on the CMV-Specific Cell-Mediated Immunity Among CMV-Seropositive Kidney Transplant Candidates'

Response to 'Influence of Age and HLA Alleles on the CMV-Specific Cell-Mediated Immunity Among CMV-Seropositive Kidney Transplant Candidates'


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To the Editor: We would like to thank Fernandez-Ruiz et al (1) for their interest in our manuscript (2) and welcome the opportunity to address their comments on the factors influencing CMV-specific T cell response in transplant candidates. Whereas we show an association between HLA-A1 and/or HLA-A2 alleles and age older than 50 with CMV-specific CD8+ T cell response, their results did not show this association. Although the studies are apparently contradictory, they have considerable methodological differences which impact the results and their interpretation. Regarding the data analysis, we used logistic regression analysis and the results were given in terms of odds ratios. Thus, we reported that HLA-A1 and/or HLA-A2 candidates and those older than 50 have a higher probability of having CMV-specific CD8+T cell response (IFNg >0.2 ILJ/mL) than non-HLA-A1on-HLA-A2 candidates and those younger than 50. Fernandez-Ruiz and coworkers, however, analyze the association of HLA alleles and age with the magnitude of CMV-specific T cell response (absolute count of IFNg-producing T cells) using linear regression analysis. They also argue that the intracellular staining (ICS) method is the reference procedure for assessing CMV-specific T cell response, whereas the QuantiFERON-CMV (QF-CMV) assay used in our study introduces a bias because it primes the response against pp65 and IE-1 restricted by HLA-A1 and HLA-A2. However, the QF-CMV assay also includes pp50, gB, IE-2, and pp28 peptides. In fact, the immunodo-minant peptide restricted by HLA-A1 (VTEHDTLLY) derives from pp50, and not from pp65 or IE-1 (3-4). In contrast, they used peptide libraries of pp65 and IE-1 and not from other CMV proteins. Thus, each method uses different peptides for stimulation with its pros and cons. In addition, the QF-CMV assay has a well-established cut-off that classifies individuals as reactive (IFNg >0.2 ILJ/mL) and nonreactive in contrast to the ICS method, which does not have a standardized cut-off to define nonresponding individuals.
机译:致编辑:我们要感谢Fernandez-Ruiz等人(1)对我们的手稿(2)的关注,并欢迎有机会就影响候选移植物中CMV特异性T细胞反应的因素发表意见。尽管我们显示HLA-A1和/或HLA-A2等位基因与年龄在50岁以上的人与CMV特异性CD8 + T细胞反应相关,但他们的结果并未显示出这种关联。尽管这些研究显然是自相矛盾的,但它们在方法上存在很大差异,从而影响了结果及其解释。关于数据分析,我们使用逻辑回归分析,结果以比值比给出。因此,我们报道了HLA-A1和/或HLA-A2候选人以及50岁以上的候选人比非HLA-A1 / non候选人更有CMV特异性CD8 + T细胞应答(IFNg> 0.2 ILJ / mL)的可能性。 -HLA-A2候选者和年龄小于50岁的人。Fernandez-Ruiz及其同事通过线性回归分析了HLA等位基因和年龄与CMV特异性T细胞反应(产生IFNg的T细胞的绝对计数)的关系。分析。他们还认为细胞内染色(ICS)方法是评估CMV特异性T细胞反应的参考程序,而我们研究中使用的QuantiFERON-CMV(QF-CMV)测定法则存在偏倚,因为它引发了针对pp65和IE-1受HLA-A1和HLA-A2限制。但是,QF-CMV分析还包括pp50,gB,IE-2和pp28肽。实际上,受HLA-A1(VTEHDTLLY)限制的免疫优势肽来源于pp50,而不是pp65或IE-1(3-4)。相反,他们使用的是pp65和IE-1的肽库,而不是其他CMV蛋白。因此,每种方法都使用不同的肽进行利弊刺激。此外,与ICS方法相比,QF-CMV测定法具有完善的临界值,可将个体分为反应性(IFNg> 0.2 ILJ / mL)和非反应性,后者没有标准化的临界值来定义无反应个人。



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