首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Childhood social environment and risk of drug and alcohol abuse in a cohort of Danish men born in 1953.

Childhood social environment and risk of drug and alcohol abuse in a cohort of Danish men born in 1953.


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In a 32-year follow-up study, the authors analyze how social circumstances during early life, childhood social participation, and school performance affect the risk of being admitted to a hospital or dying from a diagnosis closely related to drug or alcohol abuse in young adulthood. A total of 11,376 Danish males born in 1953, for whom data from birth certificates and conscription board examinations had been traced, were followed until 2002 through linkage to the Danish Psychiatric, National Patient, and Cause of Death registries. At age 12 years, 7,877 subjects completed a questionnaire on social participation and school performance. During follow-up, 12 percent of these were given a diagnosis indicating drug or alcohol abuse. Having a single mother and a working-class father were each associated with an increased risk of drug or alcohol abuse in adult life. At age 12 years, those who disliked school, scored low on a school test, or preferred to visit a youth club during leisure time showed a greater risk of adult substance abuse. These associations were slightly attenuated when adjusted for educational status at conscription. Deprived social circumstances during childhood, poor school performance in early adolescence, and attending a youth club seemed to be independent markers of substance abuse in adult life.
机译:在一项为期32年的后续研究中,作者分析了早年的社会状况,儿童的社会参与度和学校表现如何影响入院或因与年轻人吸毒或酗酒密切相关的诊断而死亡的风险。成年。通过与丹麦精神病学,国家患者和死亡原因登记处的联系,一直追踪到总共1376名1953年出生的丹麦男性,从出生证和征兵委员会检查中获得了这些数据,直到2002年。 12岁时,有7,877名受试者完成了关于社会参与和学校表现的问卷调查。在随访期间,其中12%的患者被诊断出吸毒或酗酒。成年母亲中有一个单身母亲和一个工人阶级父亲与吸毒或酗酒的风险增加有关。在12岁的时候,那些不喜欢学校,在学校考试中得分较低或在闲暇时间喜欢去青年俱乐部的人表现出更大的成人滥用药物的风险。调整应征者的教育地位后,这些联想会略微减弱。儿童时期被剥夺的社交环境,青春期初期的学校表现不佳以及参加青年俱乐部似乎是成年人生活中滥用药物的独立标志。



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