首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Demographic, risk, and spatial factors associated with over-the-counter syringe purchase among injection drug users

Demographic, risk, and spatial factors associated with over-the-counter syringe purchase among injection drug users


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Since 2005, California law allowed over-the-counter (OTC) syringe sales pending local authorization. Although pharmacy sales of OTC syringes are associated with reduced injection-mediated risks and decreases in human immunodeficiency virus infection rates, little is known about the factors associated with syringe purchase among injection drug users (IDUs). Using a cross-sectional design, the authors applied targeted sampling to collect quantitative survey data from IDUs (n = 563) recruited in San Francisco, California, during 2008. They also compiled a comprehensive list of retail pharmacies, their location, and whether they sell OTC syringes. They used a novel combination of geographic information system and statistical analyses to determine the demographic, behavioral, and spatial factors associated with OTC syringe purchase by IDUs. In multivariate analyses, age, race, injection frequency, the type of drug injected, and the source of syringe supply were independently associated with OTC syringe purchases. Notably, the prevalence of OTC syringe purchase was 53% lower among African-American IDUs (adjusted prevalence ratio = 0.47, 95% confidence interval: 0.33, 0.67) and higher among injectors of methamphetamine (adjusted prevalence ratio = 1.35, 95% confidence interval: 1.07, 1.70). Two neighborhoods with high densities of IDUs had limited access to OTC syringes. Increased access to OTC syringes would potentially prevent blood-borne infectious diseases among IDUs.
机译:自2005年以来,加利福尼亚州法律允许在当地授权之前销售非处方(OTC)注射器。尽管OTC注射器的药房销售与降低注射介导的风险和降低人类免疫缺陷病毒感染率相关,但对与注射吸毒者(IDU)购买注射器相关的因素知之甚少。作者采用横截面设计,采用有针对性的抽样方法,从2008年期间从加利福尼亚州旧金山市招募的吸毒者(n = 563)收集定量调查数据。他们还编制了零售药店的全面清单,其位置以及是否出售OTC注射器。他们使用了地理信息系统和统计分析的新颖组合来确定与IDU购买OTC注射器相关的人口统计,行为和空间因素。在多变量分析中,年龄,种族,注射频率,注射的药物类型以及注射器供应来源与OTC注射器的购买独立相关。值得注意的是,在非裔美国人注射毒品者中,OTC注射器购买的患病率降低了53%(调整后的患病率= 0.47,95%的置信区间:0.33,0.67),而在甲基苯丙胺注射剂中,购买OTC注射器的患病率更高(调整后的患病比= 1.35,95%的置信区间) :1.07,1.70)。有两个注射毒品使用者密度高的社区,无法使用OTC注射器。使用OTC注射器的机会增加,有可能预防注射毒品使用者中的血源性传染病。



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