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Invited commentary: the perils of birth weight--a lesson from directed acyclic graphs.


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The strong association of birth weight with infant mortality is complicated by a paradoxical finding: Small babies in high-risk populations usually have lower risk than small babies in low-risk populations. In this issue of the Journal, Hernandez-Diaz et al. (Am J Epidemiol 2006;164:1115-20) address this "birth weight paradox" using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). They conclude that the paradox is the result of bias created by adjustment for a factor (birth weight) that is affected by the exposure of interest and at the same time shares causes with the outcome (mortality). While this bias has been discussed before, the DAGs presented by Hernandez-Diaz et al. provide more firmly grounded criticism. The DAGs demonstrate (as do many other examples) that seemingly reasonable adjustments can distort epidemiologic results. In this commentary, the birth weight paradox is shown to be an illustration of Simpson's Paradox. It is possible for a factor to be protective within every stratum of a variable and yet bedamaging overall. Questions remain as to the causal role of birth weight.
机译:矛盾的发现使出生体重与婴儿死亡率之间的紧密联系变得复杂:高风险人群中的小婴儿通常比低风险人群中的小婴儿具有较低的风险。在本期杂志中,Hernandez-Diaz等人。 (Am J Epidemiol 2006; 164:1115-20)使用有向无环图(DAG)解决了这一“出生体重悖论”。他们得出结论,自相矛盾是由于对受利益敞口影响的因素(出生体重)进行调整而产生的偏见的结果,同时又将原因与后果(死亡率)分摊。尽管以前已经讨论过这种偏见,但Hernandez-Diaz等人提出的DAG却没有。提供更有根据的批评。 DAG证明(与许多其他示例一样),似乎合理的调整可能会使流行病学结果失真。在这篇评论中,出生体重悖论被证明是辛普森悖论的例证。一个因素有可能在变量的每个层次中起到保护作用,但总体上却是有害的。关于出生体重的因果作用仍然存在疑问。



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