首页> 外文期刊>レ-ザ-研究 >光トポグラフィ脳機能計測を活用した二ュー口マーケティングの動向—Mind Centric Environmentの構築を目指して-

光トポグラフィ脳機能計測を活用した二ュー口マーケティングの動向—Mind Centric Environmentの構築を目指して-

机译:光学地形趋势,使用测量瞄准瞄准思维的两个营销的趋势,以思想为中心的环境 - 建造思想以中心为中心的环境 -

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Neruo-marketing, which investigates mind thoughts and emotions by using technologies and methodologies of neuroscience and make good use of the knowledge for products and services, is gathering attentions in recent years. The technologies of mind analysis will be developed progressively in order to create better environment for mind. This is because, as computational power and data accumulation continue to increase Moore's Law, and technology continues to evolve, humans are faced with an increasing dramatic change in their living environment. Elucidation of the mind needs to be accelerated in order to help people cope with these changes. While, mind investigation involve ethical issue because there is the possibility that the neuro-marketing touch the deepest privacy. This paper introduces the trend in neuro-markeging around the optical topography.
机译:Neruo-Marketing通过使用神经科学的技术和方法来调查思想和情感,并利用产品和服务知识利用,正在收集近年来的注意。 心灵分析技术将逐步发展,以便为思想创造更好的环境。 这是因为,随着计算能力和数据累积继续增加摩尔定律,技术持续发展,人类面临着他们的生活环境的巨大巨大变化。 需要加速阐明心灵,以帮助人们应对这些变化。 虽然,心灵调查涉及道德问题,因为神经营销的可能性触及最深的隐私。 本文介绍了光学地形周围神经处理的趋势。



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