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Translocation and hand-rearing techniques for establishing a colony of threatened albatross


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Many breeding colonies of Procellariiformes have been threatened with extinction. Chick translocation has been shown to be an effective method for establishing new "safer" colonies of burrow-nesting species, but techniques for surface-nesting species have not been fully developed. The entire breeding population of the threatened Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastoria albatrus is restricted to two sites, Torishima Island and the Senkaku Islands, and neither site is secure due to volcanic activity or political instability. The Short-tailed Albatross Recovery Team has recommended facilitating the recovery of this species by establishing at least one additional colony through the translocation and hand-rearing of chicks at a safe historical breeding site. To evaluate the feasibility of this approach, we hand-reared io post-guard phase chicks of two related species in 2006-2007: Laysan Albatross P. immutabilis translocated from Midway Atoll to Kaua'i Island, Hawai'i and Black-footed Albatross P. nigripes translocated from a nearby islet in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands to Mukojima Island, Japan. In these pilot studies, 40% of Laysan Albatross chicks and 90% of Black-footed Albatross chicks fledged successfully. Following this groundwork, 4o post-guard phase Short-tailed Albatross chicks were translocated from Torishima Island to Mukojima Island in February 2008-2010 and hand-reared to fledging. Their fledging success has been l00% in all three years. Fledging body sizes were similar or greater in hand-reared chicks at the release site than parent-reared chicks on Torishima Island. There were significant differences in levels of some blood chemistry parameters between pre-fledging hand-reared and parent-reared chicks. The techniques developed in our studies have broad-reaching implications for the future conservation of threatened populations of other surface-nesting seabirds.
机译:许多Procellariiformes的繁殖殖民地已面临灭绝的威胁。小鸡易位已被证明是建立新的“更安全”的洞穴巢物种的有效方法,但尚未完全开发出表面巢物种的技术。受威胁的短尾信天翁信天翁(Albatross Phoebastoria albatrus)的整个繁殖种群仅限于鸟岛岛(Torishima Island)和尖阁诸岛(Senkaku Islands)两个地点,由于火山活动或政治不稳定,两个地点都不安全。短尾信天翁恢复小组建议,通过在安全的历史繁殖场所通过对小鸡进行易位和人工饲养来建立至少一个额外的集落,来促进该物种的恢复。为了评估此方法的可行性,我们在2006-2007年间人工饲养了两个相关物种的后保护期雏鸡:Laysan Albatross P. immutabilis从中途环礁转移到Kaua'i岛,夏威夷和黑脚信天翁P. nigripes从小gas原(波宁)群岛附近的一个小岛转移到日本的Mukojima岛。在这些先导研究中,有40%的Laysan Albatross幼雏和90%的黑脚信天翁幼雏成功出逃。在此基础上,2008年2月至2010年2月,守卫阶段的4o短尾信天翁小鸡从鸟岛转移到了穆岛岛,并被人工饲养成雏鸡。在过去三年中,他们的成功率都达到了100%。在鸟巢岛上,人工饲养的雏鸟的雏鸟体形与父母饲养的雏鸟相似或更大。初熟的人工饲养和父母饲养的雏鸡的某些血液化学参数水平存在显着差异。我们的研究中开发的技术对其他表面嵌套海鸟受威胁种群的未来保护具有广泛的意义。



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